Use Shopify Products without Shopify Redirect
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This article will explain how to use the Shopify plugin to sync your products into CheckoutChamp and how to use these products without doing a redirect from Shopify to a non-Shopify Checkout
The Shopify plugin provides the ability to pull all Shopify products into CRM and push variant metafields back to Shopify automatically.
The Shopify cart page must then be manually edited to send products to a checkout page connected to the CRM.
1a. When logged into the Admin site, click on “Apps”
1b. From the Apps page, click on blue “Manage private apps” link.
1c. From the Private Apps screen, click on the “Create a new private app” button.
storeURL = your Shopify store url ***NOT YOUR CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME***(minus the https://)
(This url will always end in Do NOT use the URL of your live store/Custom Domain)
userName = your Shopify APIkey (required)
password = your Shopify app password (required)
campaignId = optional. Use this to assign your Shopify products to a specific campaign. If blank, a new campaign will be created when the products are pulled from Shopify.
billerId = optional. The billerId to assign to the CRM campaign products that will be created from the Shopify products. Entering a value here will save the effort of manually editing the campaign products to assign a merchant account. billerId can be found on the MID List (Merchants → MID List).
sendOrders = optional. If this option is checked, CheckoutChamp will export orders back to Shopify that came in under the campaignId set on this plugin.
pullTracking = optional. If this option is checked, CheckoutChamp will import tracking number information from Shopify based on the orders exported from this plugin. Must have sendInitialOrders and/or sendRebillOrders checked to pull tracking numbers from Shopify.
This process will pull your shopify products into CRM and push the variant metafields back to your Shopify store.
Edit the Shopify plugin, verify the information entered, and press the blue “Sync Products” button.
Submitted: Shopify sync has been submitted but has not started yet. This happens as soon as you hit the blue “Sync Products” button.
In Progress: Shopify sync has started and is currently in progress. At this point your shopify products should be importing into CheckoutChamp.
Completed: Shopify sync is completed. All Shopify products have been pulled into CheckoutChamp and variant metafields have been updated in Shopify.
Failed: This status will display if the Shopify sync fails for any reason. Most cases it is due to the merchant client app not granting CheckoutChamp proper permissions to hit their API.
Depending on how many products reside inside Shopify, it may take a little time for the sync to complete.
When the sync is finished, navigate to CRM → Products. Click the edit button on the Shopify Products to view what was pulled from Shopify and you’ll also see the Shopify variants are at the bottom of the product profile in the Product Variations section. Variant Product prices can be overridden. By selecting Override Price, you can define an alternate price for your product variant. Be sure to Update.
Shopify variants are view-only in CheckoutChamp besides the price. If any changes are needed besides the price, make the changes in Shopify and Sync Products again via the plugin in CheckoutChamp.
In the example below, since the plugin is tied to campaign 19 (and it is set to send initial and rebill orders) any order against a Shopify product in campaign 19 will be sent over to Shopify.
Go into the CheckoutChamp funnel builder and ensure your funnel is tied to the Shopify campaign (located in previous step) so that you can assign your Shopify products to your buttons, radios, or checkboxes. If you are using product variants we have a few variant selection elements pre-made in our “Products” element category. Once you apply the product to the element you will be able to adjust the variant options as well.
Please first follow Part 1 to sync your products into CheckoutChamp.
Now that you have your products synced into CheckoutChamp you can use these products freely across all of your campaigns by simply creating a new campaign or by editing an existing campaign. When you create or edit an existing offer/upsell in the campaign you will see your Shopify products populated in the Base Product dropdown list. In order for CheckoutChamp to send the orders to Shopify there needs to be a Shopify plugin created for each campaign that you want the orders sent back to Shopify. To do so, go to your existing Shopify plugin and click the green “+” button to Add Instance. When the new plugin is displayed, enter in the same exact Shopify credentials and be sure to apply the campaignId for the campaign where you want the orders to send to Shopify.
NO NEED TO SYNC PRODUCTS AGAIN. Syncing again is not necessary because we already have the products synced in Part 1. If you do a product sync in the subsequent plugins you add, this will load all your Shopify products into these campaigns as well where most of them might not be needed. If you ever need to re sync your products to pull in any changes you’ve made on Shopify’s side, you can do so by using the same plugin that you used to sync the products originally.
You can add as many Shopify plugins as needed. In the example below, the original plugin is tied to campaign 19. This is the campaign where all the products are synced into and where you will continue to do any future product syncs. The two other plugins are tied to campaigns 20 and 21. The offers in these campaigns are utilizing the Shopify base products that were synced on the original plugin. With this setup, any orders against campaigns 19, 20, and 21 using the Shopify base products will be sent back over to Shopify.
Be sure that each funnel is tied to a campaign in which the Shopify plugins are tied to and Shopify products are added within.
If you have several external sites utilizing your Shopify products, the above instructions are recommended as this will allow you to view each campaign separately on your reports and will also support sending the orders back to Shopify. However, there are a couple other ways this plugin/Shopify products can be used.
The first alternative option is to use just a single Shopify plugin and simply use those products across your other campaigns/funnels. This will only send the orders back to Shopify for the campaign the plugin is tied to. If you do not intend on sending orders back to Shopify you may want to go this route as you will not need to make as many Shopify plugins. The last option is to use just a single Shopify plugin and the single campaign that the products are tied to. This option will send the orders back to Shopify if you choose. The downside with this option is that your reports will show all of your orders under a single campaign which might not be ideal if you want to have more visibility into how each external site is performing.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to your account manager or place a ticket so another member of our team can assist you!