CheckoutChamp PGP Encryption Procedures

Step 1: Generate API Key

gpg --full-generate-key


gpg --default-new-key-algo rsa2048 --gen-key && gpg --full-generate-key

1a. Select (1) RSA and RSA

  • hit enter key

1b. Select 2048 as keysize

  • hit enter key

1c. Specify how long the key should be validd. Is this correct? (y/N):

  • type y

1e. Real Name:

  • type firstname lastname

1f. Email address:

  • type email address

1g. Comment:

  • type any comment

1h. Enter passphrase:

  • enter a phrase with non related words and remember it

1i. Repeat passphrase.

  • Wait for the result by operating computer in various ways.k. On finish, you can see the user-id(uid) like “firstname lastname (comment) < email address >” You can also check “uid” with the command “gpg --list-key”Note: It will take some time to get the uid. Please be patient.

Step 2: Create public key

gpg --list-keys --keyid-format=long    # view the key we just created


gpg --export -a "<user-name>" > public.key    # where uid is <user-name> / first name used

Step 3: Create private key

gpg --export-secret-key -a "james" > private.key    # where uid is <user-name> / first name used

Step 4: Encrypt a file

gpg --recipient <user-name> --output <output-file>.pgp --encrypt <input-file>.txt    # where uid is <user-name>

Note: Generally, the file will be encrypted by Konnektive.

Step 5: Decrypt a file

gpg --output <output-file> --decrypt <input-file>    # then enter passphrase

for ASCII armor → add the `--armor` flagExtra Resources;

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