CheckoutChamp PGP Encryption Procedures
Step 1: Generate API Key
1a. Select (1) RSA and RSA
hit enter key
1b. Select 2048 as keysize
hit enter key
1c. Specify how long the key should be validd. Is this correct? (y/N):
type y
1e. Real Name:
type firstname lastname
1f. Email address:
type email address
1g. Comment:
type any comment
1h. Enter passphrase:
enter a phrase with non related words and remember it
1i. Repeat passphrase.
Wait for the result by operating computer in various ways.k. On finish, you can see the user-id(uid) like “firstname lastname (comment) < email address >” You can also check “uid” with the command “gpg --list-key”Note: It will take some time to get the uid. Please be patient.
Step 2: Create public key
Step 3: Create private key
Step 4: Encrypt a file
Note: Generally, the file will be encrypted by Konnektive.
Step 5: Decrypt a file
for ASCII armor → add the `--armor` flagExtra Resources;
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