Analytics Definitions

The following definitions are essential to understand the effectiveness of your sales site

Test Cards are not included in calculations. However test cards may be included in page Submit numbers.

Date Range

The date range entered is the order date. It is not the date the transaction was processed. The true value of a page on a particular date requires all the activity on that order be attributed to the date the order was created. Consider the following scenarios:

  • A consumer submits your Lead page at 11:57pm day 1, then proceeds to a Checkout page, and finally submits the Checkout page at 12:02am day 2. The order is attributed to the pages on day 1. Your bank probably attributes that sale to day 2.

  • A consumer submits your Lead page at 11:45pm, then proceeds to a Checkout page, submits the Checkout page at 11:52pm, then proceeds to an Upsell page, and finally submits the Upsell page at 12:02am. The entire order is attributed to the date the lead was submitted.

  • An order is submitted on Nov 12. The order is refunded on Dec 5. The refund is factored into Net Revenue on Nov 12.

  • A consumer lands on your checkout page at 11:45pm. The consumer does not fill out anything until 12:10am and then submits the order just after that. In this case the analytics will be confusing. The checkout page Submits number will be attributed to the first day. The order will be attributed to the second day.

  • A consumer checks out on day 1 and the order declines. The order is rerun on day 2 using the CRM Order Details report. The checkout page Submits number will be attributed to the first day. The order will be attributed to the second day.

  • A consumer lands on the checkout page on day 1 and enters email and name. The lead information is captured. The consumer closes the browser. The consumer returns a few hours later, enters the same information, and successfully checks out. There are now 2 sessions for this order. There will be an extra Visit/Hit on this page due to the two sessions.

Analytics may be in conflict with the dashboard and reports in the CRM platform. Most values on the CRM dashboard are by Transaction Created Date. The Transaction Summary and Detail reports should be filtered by Order Created Date to get the most accurate comparison.


The number of unique visits.

For a sales funnel this is the number of unique visits (sessions) on your site. This will not include any visits that submitted an order with a test card.

For a page this is the number of unique visits (sessions) to that individual page. This will not include any visits that submitted an order with a test card. This will count once per session (it does not count a browser refresh).

Funnel and Page visits will not be equal for multiple reasons.

  • A consumer does not visit all pages during a visit to the sales funnel

  • If a consumer lands on your site and visits 3 pages, that will be 1 funnel visit and 3 page visits.

  • If you delete a page then that page no longer shows Visits. But the sales funnel still shows the Visit.


For most pages this is the number of Visits/Hits that submitted the page and moved to the next page.

For Checkout pages this is often the total of new complete orders (sales) from that page but can vary due to conditions noted above. Test orders are not included.

For Lead pages this is a combination of leads captured and submitted. Leads are captured as the consumer types. The click-through rate can be higher than expected due to this.

For Upsell pages this is the number of upsells successfully purchased. A consumer that moves to the next page by pressing a No Thanks button is not counted. A consumer whose transaction declines is not counted.

A Thank You page cannot be submitted. The number of Submits on Thank You pages always matches the Visits.

Click Through Rate

Submits divided by Visits

Average Order Value (AOV)

Gross Revenue divided by number of New Sales

For a sales funnel this is the average value of every new order in a date range

For a page this is the average value of every new order in a date range that visited this page. If a sale occurred on your site then every page visited by the consumer during that session is given the value of the sale. Upsell pages are handled a little differently as the content of an Upsell page does not necessarily affect the success of another Upsell page. AOV for an Upsell page is the value of that individual Upsell page only. Consider the following scenario: a consumer visits a Lead page, then proceeds to a Checkout page, then makes a purchase, then buys an upsell, and then finishes on a Thank You page. AOV for the Lead, Checkout, and Thank You pages is the total value of the order. AOV for the Upsell page is the upsell product only.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Net Revenue = Gross Revenue - Refunds - Expenses - Chargebacks

Net Revenue is the total value all new sales and their subsequent rebills. If an order is created on Jan 15 and successfully rebills on Feb 15 and successfully rebills again on March 15, all 3 orders contribute to LTV and are attributed on Jan 15.

When looking at individual pages, each page visited during the session gets credit for the Net Revenue. This is the value of the page. The AOV notes about Upsell pages apply here too.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Lifetime Value divided by number of unique customers in a date range


The number of orders (new sales) that visited a page. Similar to AOV and LTV, this count is attributed to any page visited during the session. Upsell pages are attributed only the products that successfully transact from that page. See AOV notes for more details.

Orders and Submits should be similar (or identical?) for Checkout and Upsell pages. All other pages will likely have more Submits than Orders, as not every movement to the next page results in a sale.

Not all pages in a funnel will have the same number of Orders. Only the pages hit in a session are attributed to the order. Consider the following scenarios:

  • Your funnel consists of a Presell page, a Checkout page, an Upsell page and a Thank You page. A shopper lands on your Presell page, navigates to the Checkout page, makes a purchase on the Checkout page, navigates to the Upsell page, and then closes the browser. The Presell and Checkout pages will accumulate both a page hit and an order. The Upsell page will accumulate a page hit but no order. The Thank You page will accumulate neither page hit nor order.

  • Your funnel consists of a Presell page, a Checkout page, an Upsell page and a Thank You page. A shopper lands on the Presell page, navigates to the Checkout page, bookmarks, your Checkout page, and closes the browser. The shopper returns to a device later, opens a new browser tab, and navigates to the Checkout page bookmark. The shopper completes a purchase, navigates to the Upsell page, declines the upsell, and navigates to the Thank You page. The Checkout and Thank You pages accumulate both a page hit and an order. The Upsell and Presell pages accumulate a page hit but no order.

Last updated