CRM Account Settings

Click on your Username and then click Account to view your CRM’s account settings. This is also where you can manage email notification settings, enable basic Fraud Protection, and mass delete Test Card orders.

Profile | Recent Activity | Account | Notifications | Fraud Protection | Test Orders


Any user without access to the Users page can edit their username and email address here.

You may also add a phone number, shirt size and gender.

You can also view the timezone the account is reporting in. The default is America/New York but it can be updated by CheckoutChamp support upon request. This is a global setting that affects all users.

Recent Activity

This shows the recent log-in history for your user.


These are global settings for your CRM.

Company Info

Enter your company’s address here. Tax Service plugins use this address to calculate taxes.

Rebill Time

Daily Rebill Time: Time of day the system will run scheduled continuity rebills. Please be aware that the rebill process can take several hours to complete depending on the volume of billings.

Rebill at same time of day as original sale: Process rebills throughout the day, at approximately the same time of day as the original sale. Enabling this option will override the Daily Rebill Time option.

Customer Service Options

Allow Agents to Refund Externally : Normally, only admin accounts are able to refund externally. Enabling this option allows customer service admins and agents to mark a transaction as externally refunded.

Restrict Customer Search : On the Customer Service page, 2 of 7 fields must be filled: OrderId, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Card Bin, or Card Last 4. Only strict matches will be returned.

Show Recent Customers button : The Recent Customers button on the Customer Service page shows by default. Disable this setting to remove the button from view.

Additional Options

Allow Fulfillment Product Updates?: Allows all users to add products to an existing fulfillment record and to update the quantity of fulfillment items on a fulfillment record.

Allow Price Adjustments on Order Entry?: Enabling this allows agents to adjust price points on the Order Entry screen. The minimum and maximum price for adjustments is set on the campaign product level.

Auto Create AffIds?: AffIds that do not exist in the CRM setup are automatically created instead of being ignored.

Automatically Cancel on Agent Void / Full Refund?: Automatically cancels fulfillment records and subscriptions related to a void or full refund.

Disable Generic Test Card: Disables the 0000 Test Card from use.

Enforce Reorder Validation: This option prevents a declined card from being rerun with the same products within 5 minutes of the decline. This reduces known declines reaching the gateway.

Force C/S Sticky: Force all new sales for existing customers to go against the last successfully billed Gateway. This will override Gateway and Gateway Profile configurations.

Mask All Credentials: Checking this option will mask all of your third party credentials that are displayed throughout the CRM.

Prepaid Skip QA: Checking this option will prevent all Prepaid (External Payment) orders from going to Quality Assurance.

Prevent Multiple Orders From The Same Customers: Checking this option will prevent customers from entering orders for the same base product within a specified period. It is used to prevent customers from entering duplicate orders by mistake. If no time is specified below, this will default to 24 hours (1440 minutes). This option does not apply to orders placed via the Order Entry screen.

Require Address On Orders: Require billing and shipping details to be present on an order. Unchecking this box will allow address inputs to be optional.

Show Revenue to Affiliates: Show revenue columns (sales revenue, upsell revenue, net revenue, average ticket) to affiliates on the Affiliate Report. Unchecking this box will only show default sales data. The Affiliate Report also contains links to other reports. Control affiliate access to these other reports using user security.

Validate Email Address Domain: Check this box to validate that a new order email address is for an actual mail server.



Enter an email address (or multiple, separated by semicolon) into the various fields to receive email notifications.

Notify Emails: The system will send notifications for the General Alerts, Gateway Alerts, Traffic Performance Alerts, and other system alerts to the email addresses listed here.

Summary Emails: Daily and monthly transaction summaries will be sent to the email addresses listed here.

Export Emails: CSV Export alerts will be sent to the email addresses listed here. This is an enhanced security measure to give better visibility of what users are exporting out of the account.

Accounting Emails: All accounting emails will CC the email addresses listed here.

Phone Numbers

Enter a phone number (or multiple, separated by semicolon) to receive SMS notifications.

Notify Phone Numbers: The system will send notifications for the General Alerts, Gateway Alerts, Traffic Performance Alerts, and other system alerts to the phone numbers listed here.

Traffic Performance Alerts

The Traffic Performance Alerts will send a notification to the emails listed within the Notify Emails and Notify Phone Numbers fields.

Each alert option allows you to apply a threshold for Affiliates and Campaigns separately. You can also choose a Traffic Time Range that the CRM will do the comparison against.

Decline % Max: The CRM will send an alert if an affiliate or campaign has a higher decline rate than specified.

Chargeback % Max: The CRM will send an alert if an affiliate or campaign has a higher chargeback rate that specified. This alert requires chargebacks to be marked with the CRM - which does not occur automatically.

Prepaid Card % Max: The CRM will send an alert if an affiliate or campaign has a higher prepaid card rate than specified.

Fraud % Max: The CRM will send an alert if an affiliate or campaign has a higher fraud rate than specified. This alert requires a fraud detection plugin applied to the campaign(s).

Click Through Rate % Min: The CRM will send an alert if an affiliate or campaign has a lower click through rate than specified. This is calculated as Sales / Clicks, which means that this alert requires the Import Click API call is used on your website. CheckoutChamp pages do this automatically.

Fraud Protection

Enable basic fraud protection onto your account here.

Please note that this is not a replacement to a sophisticated fraud screening plugin.

See more information on Fraud Protection here: Fraud Protection

Test Orders

The CRM will recognize when a CRM test card is being used on an order. This section allows you to mass delete the test card orders out of your account.

See more information on Test Cards here: Test Cards

Last updated