Re-Running Declines

These instructions will show you how to batch update declined subscription rebills to Active status.

Step 1 : Go to Reports → Sales → Continuity

Step 2 : Filters - Set the Date Range Type to Last Decline Date to search for rebills that last declined within the selected date range

  • Choose your start and end dates

  • Set status as Recycle Failed

  • Choose any other filters to narrow down the customer search

  • Click Go

Step 3 : Open the results per page to show all purchases

Step 4 : Click Show/Hide Batch Updates

Step 5 : Click Select on the table header to choose all purchases, or select the purchases individually

Step 6 : Set the Status to "Active" in the updater

Step 7 : Enter in the Next Bill Date desired in this format: dd/mm/yyyy

  • Use 0 in front of single digit #s (ex. 03/03/2018)

Step 8 : Enter a price (Or leave blank to bill at offer's original price)

Step 9 : Click Update Batch

Note: An easy way of checking to make sure you've done this correctly is by filtering the same thing you did in Step 1 & 2.

You should no longer see the purchases that you had updated.