Builder Questions

Q: How can I access the checkout page JavaScript code? (index.js)

  • You are free to add your own JavaScript to the page, but you cannot edit the core JavaScript file.

Q: How do I sync my products?

  • In the builder you can find the Sync button on the Funnel tool bar as well as on the plugin when you click the gear icon.

Q: Input fields zoom in on mobile apple devices

  • Change the font size to 16.

Q: Currency Symbol isn’t updating on all sections.

  • Make sure the HTML symbol is the Base Currency symbol of the campaign.

Q: I can’t find my link or button on the route dropdown.

  • Make sure all of your buttons and links have titles on them for the dropdown to display them properly.

Q: The country select isn’t showing all of the options.

  • Make sure to add the countries you will be selling to in the campaign.

Q: Do the SSL certificates for the domains in Checkout Champ auto renew.

  • The SSL certificates issued on our side for funnels in our platform will auto-renew.