CheckoutChamp CRM Continuity Batch Update

The Continuity Batch Updater can be found on the Continuity Report: Reports|Sales|Continuity

Filter down your search for continuity purchases with filters:

Choose Date Range:

  • Date Created: The date the order was created.

  • Next Bill Date: The date that customers are going to be billing on next.

  • Cancel Date: The date that customers cancelled their continuity.

  • Last Decline Date: The date customers had their last decline for their continuity.

Choose the actual dates your searching for. Choose which refine filters to drill down search :

  • Campaign : The campaign customers are within

  • Product : The specific product customer bought

  • Affiliates : The affiliate customers came through originally.

  • Call Center : The call center the customer came through.

  • Gateway Type : The gateways you have with your merchant account

  • Mid : The actual mid your customer are going through

  • Status : The current state of your customer like - Trial, Active, Recycle Failed, Cancelled.

  • Billing Cycle : Which billing interval there are on

  • Recycle # : The Decline Salvage attempt #

  • Trial Type : Whether its a delayed or free shipping trial

  • Last Decline : The last decline reason a customer received

  • Last Decline Type : Soft Decline - Insufficient Funds or Hard Decline - Invalid Card #

Click Show/Hide Batch Update:

If you want to choose specific customers then just click the check mark boxes. If your wanting to select all of the customers within your filter just click on the Select column header. Note: If you have more than 25 customers you want to batch update that you need to change the Results Per Page

Within the batch update you can change:

  • The Status of a customer: If they declined you'd want to switch their status to Recycle Billing

  • The Merchant: If a mid goes down or is about to cap you can switch it. (The merchant you are switching to MUST NOT have a CVV requirement)

  • The Next Bill Date: If you wanted declined customer to be billed today so you can rerun, you'd put today's date and they would rerun at 3am.

  • Price: If you need to switch the price point of a product for multiple customers

  • Billing Cycle: If you wanted to move customer to a further billing cycle or take them back to previous cycles

  • Recycle #: If you wanted to change the Decline Salvage attempt a customer is on

  • Final Billing Cycle: To change the Final Billing Cycle

Note: If you do not want to change one of the filters just leave it blank and it will stay as is. Once you select your batch filters click Update Batch

Changing Mids

The Continuity Batch Updater can be found on the Continuity Report (Reports|Sales|Continuity)

This article will show you how to batch update subscriptions from one mid to another.

Note: The mid you are switching the purchases to need to not have a CVV requirement.

Step 1: Go to Reports|Sales|Continuity

Step 2: Filters - Set the Date Range Type to Date Created to search for purchases created within the selected dates - OR - to Next Bill Date to search for purchases that are scheduled to bill within your date range.

Choose your start and end dates

Select Mid (This is the mid you are wanting to take purchases off of)

Status of Active or Trial and/or Recycle Billing

Click Go to search

Step 3: Open the results per page to show all purchases

Step 4: Click Show/Hide Batch Updates

Step 5: Click Select on the table header to choose all purchases displayed, or select the purchases individually

Step 6: Choose the new merchant in the updater

Step 7: Click Update Batch