
You can have your customers choose or update their genders, when submitting an order or importing leads by choosing a Select, Radio Button, or Input element and giving it the name “gender”.

The only values that will be passed are M or F.

Here are 3 examples:


  <input type="text" name="gender" placeholder="" id="i2p3bq" customval="" class="form-input fk-form-input">


 <select name="gender" type="select" customval="" value="" id="i4o7wr" class="fk-form-select select"><option data-text="text" value="" data-secondsdelay="">- Select Option -</option><option data-text="text" value="M" data-secondsdelay="">M</option><option data-text="text" value="F" data-secondsdelay="">F</option></select>


  <div data-secondsdelay="" class="form-check fk-form-radio-button-parent" id="id1db">		<input type="radio" value="M" opencheckboxsection="" onclick="checkBoxChange(attributes)" name="gender" required="" id="inbh4n" checked="" class="fk-form-general-radio-checkbox fk-form-radio">		<label class="form-check-label">Radio</label>	  </div>

You will need 2 radio buttons to choose M or F