CRM Intro Video

CC INTRO.mp4Transcript

Welcome to the CRM, let’s get familiar with our interface. On the left hand side we have a side bar menu that takes you to various sections inside of the CRM, on the top right we have the full screen button, a light and dark mode button, a notification bell, a magnifying glass that opens up the 3 most commonly used searches, and if you click your name we have a smaller menu showing you some account options.

Please make note of the Chat with us and help desk bubbles that will accompany you throughout the CRM.

In the account section you will see your user profile, and 4 tabs.

Recent activity where you can see a log of users signing in.

Account settings for your instance, where you can enter your company information for plugins, verify and update your re bill time, edit the customer service options and a list of additional options to customize the CRM to best fit your business needs.

Please make sure to hover over the tool tip for more information on what these options do.

The notifications tab is where you enter the emails that you want to receive these types of emails. Please make sure that the notify emails are going to a valid email address.

The general alerts are notification emails that go out when they reach these criteria.

Traffic performance alerts are also tied to the notify emails.

The test orders tab allows you to mass delete all the test orders you made before launching your business.

The subscription section shows your past invoices, and your EULA is available for you to download.

In this section you can also update your payment information.

The subaccounts section allows you to add subaccounts to your instance, click the plus sign, fill out the pop up and click create. There is a $30.00 monthly fee associated to each subaccount.

The help desk is our knowledge resource to help answer your questions. Please familiarize yourself with this tool.

Tickets is our ticket system, here you will be asked your company name, a summary, and a description of the issue you are currently facing. Please be as detailed as possible in the description to help streamline the troubleshooting process. You can add images and videos to a ticket here as well.