Go Live Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your account is ready to go live! Each checklist item has an expandable section below with instructions and links to the appropriate documentation if you need further assistance.

Unfortunately the checkboxes may be different if you leave and return to this page.

Please print this page to use it as a physical checklist!


  • Products have been configured

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Sync products from external source: Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce

Manually create products: Use only if not selling the same products as your external storefront.

On CRM side of your account, go to CRM → Products

  • Check that products have SKUs, images, and variants (if applicable)

  • Check that each product is assigned to the proper fulfillment house

  • Products without a SKU likely have variants. Edit these products to check the variants.

  • Fulfillment has been added to the products

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Ensure to have followed Fulfillment House Setup.

If you are using any natively integrated fulfillment houses, add the plugin and set the plugin to the appropriate products.

If you are using Shopify and are wanting Shopify to continue sending the orders to your fulfillment house/software, enable “Send Initial Orders”, “Send Rebill Orders”, and “Pull Tracking Info” on the plugin.

  • Merchants have been configured in CRM and tested

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  • All gateways are enabled that should be

  • Gateway account has credentials, Limits and Descriptor field

  • Accepted Payment Type is correct

Follow this document to properly test your gateways: Testing Your Gateway Through Order Entry

  • Campaigns have been configured in CRM

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  • Check that all appropriate countries are selected for the campaign(s)

  • Ensure all email autoresponders are configured (unless using Shopify autoresponders)

  • Add any SMS autoresponders (Twilio or SendPlex)

  • Check if Tax Profiles are added or Tax Service Plugin is enabled

  • Ensure any coupons are created

  • Ensure any Shipping Profiles created

  • Ensure any extra Custom Fields are created

  • Ensure any Phone Campaigns (for inbound or outbound sales calls) have Sales Scripts

If any updates are made to the campaign (or products are resynced) you need to edit a page within the funnel, save, and then publish.

For more on configuring a campaign, please view this article: Creating a Campaign

  • Campaign Products have been configured in CRM

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  • Check that all offers are present within the campaign and at the correct price point

If any of your products have variants then the price will not show inside the campaign. Instead, check the variant prices inside your base products.

If any updates are made to the campaign (or products are resynced) you need to edit a page within the funnel, save, and then publish.

Resyncing products will overwrite any prices inside the campaign.

For more information on adding products to a campaign, please view this article: Adding a Product to a Campaign

  • Merchants have been added to your Campaign Products

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To quickly apply your gateway to your offers -

Inside your campaign under the “Campaign Products” section, click the “Options” button and then “Batch Update”.

In the window pop-up, you will check the Update Merchant Account box, and select the merchant account added.

If you have merchant accounts for different products, you can add each of them individually with this function, and you can also bill products as individual transactions rather than combined transactions

If any updates are made to the campaign (or products are resynced) you need to edit a page within the funnel, save, and then publish.

  • Shipping Profiles have been configured in CRM

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Shipping Profiles are used to provide different shipping options for your customers.


  • Offering free shipping over a certain dollar amount

  • Charge more for international shipping

More info: Shipping Profiles

  • Desired plug-ins have been configured in CRM

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Navigate to Admin → Plugins to view your plugins: https://crm.checkoutchamp.com/admin/plugins/

Commonly used plugins:

  • Email Service Providers: Send customers to lists within your ESP for marketing

  • Fraud Manager: Pre-transaction screening to prevent fraud

  • Chargeback Management: Fight or resolve chargebacks

  • PAAY 3DS: Reduce friendly fraud and shift CB liability

  • Card Updater: Update lost and expired cards to help keep your subscriptions billing

  • Shipping Insurance: Ease customer’s thoughts by offering shipping insurance on your offers

  • Smarty: Address validation (pre or post transaction)

  • ShipEngine: Shipping calculations based on weight and shipping address

  • Affiliates and their conversion pixels added

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Add affiliate profiles under CRM → Affiliates to give credit to your affiliates when they drive traffic to your site.

After you add an affiliate, edit their profile to make adjustments and add pixels

Please follow this documentation for information on adding conversion pixels: Affiliate Pixels

Each affiliate must have their own affId (can be customized) which needs to be present on the URL for the affiliate to get credit for their sales and for the system to fire the conversion pixel. The affiliate’s url that the customer clicks on must contain this affId so the system knows who to attribute credit to.

Ex) http://www.mywebsiteurl.com/checkout?affId=[affId]&products=....

  • Is the affiliate assigned to the campaign(s)?

  • Is a conversion pixel placed for each campaign, with proper token usage?

  • Is commission set for CPC, Step1, and/or Step2?

More info: Affiliate Setup

  • Call Center is configured

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  • Is Call Center created with agents added?

  • Are the agents locked in call center campaigns? (if needed)

  • Do agents have their commission rate set?

  • Are all Call Dispositions and Cancellation Reasons created?

More info: Call Center Setup

  • Recycle Billing is configured

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  • Are profiles set up properly for how you want to reattempt failed rebills?

More info: CheckoutChamp Recycle Billing

Funnel Builder

  • All CheckoutChamp pages have been edited and saved

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From the funnel visualizer, ensure all pages of the funnel have been created, and all page borders are green.

Inside the funnel settings, set the title of the funnel (shows on browser tab), upload a Favicon (small image on browser tab), and upload your logo (replaces placeholder logos on templates).

More info: Funnel Visualizer Page Builder

  • All CheckoutChamp route arrows are defined

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The arrows on the funnel visualizer determine which buttons will route the customer to the next page.

All arrows will need to be green before you can publish the funnel.

  • Product Button Checkbox and Radio Audit

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Make sure products are assigned to the intended element on your page. Campaign Products can be assigned to a Button, Product Radio Button or Product Checkbox.

To assign a product to an element, click on the element and then open the settings panel:

**Warning - If you assign a product to multiple elements on the same page, that product will be passed in multiple times which will result in the purchase of multiple products.

If the customer lands on your checkout page with products already added to the cart then you may choose to not assign a product to the Submit Order button.

  • Button Actions are set properly

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Ensure buttons are set to the correct actions are set to the buttons on your pages. You can check which action is selected by clicking on the button and then viewing the settings for the button:

Below are the different button actions:

  • Add to Cart: Adds the associated product to the cart

  • Submit + Route: Submit the data on the form to CheckoutChamp and route customer to the next page

  • Route to Next Page: Send customer to the next page of the funnel without submitting data to CheckoutChamp

  • Open Section: Enter an Id which will open when the button is clicked

  • Open Section + Hide: Enter an Id which will open when the button is clicked, and hide the button

  • Submit Lead + Open Section: Enter an Id which will open when the button is clicked, and also submit the lead info into CheckoutChamp

  • Open Popup: Open a popup on the page

  • Apply Coupon: Submit an entered coupon to calculate the discount on the checkout page

  • Custom Domain has been assigned to the Funnel

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Add your own domain to the funnel. After you add the domain you will be presented with CNAME values which you will need to add into your DNS settings.

If you are redirecting from an external storefront into CheckoutChamp, keep your root domain assigned to your storefront and use a subdomain for your CheckoutChamp funnels.

More info: Domain Configuration

  • Optimize SEO

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Inside the funnel settings, click Maintenance to adjust the search engine optimization for your funnel.

  • Add Tracking Pixels

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Inside the funnel settings, click Tracking Pixels to add your Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel ID, Facebook Conversions API Key, Snapchat Pixel ID, TikTok Pixel ID, and/or LisTrak Merchant ID to the funnel:

After you add any of the tracking pixels above, CheckoutChamp will insert the scripts onto the pages.

The Custom Head and Body Tracking Code sections can be used to place scripts across all the pages of the funnel without having to do so manually.

Please be sure to publish the funnel again after any tracking pixel updates and test your changes.

  • Set alternative payment options

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Inside the funnel settings, open the Payments section. This window allows you to determine which gateway is linked to your alternative payment buttons for the funnel.

  • Enable any Add Ons/Plug-ins

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Inside the funnel settings, open the Add Ons section. If you added plugins to your CRM already, this is where you will enable those plugins on this funnel.

  • All CheckoutChamp pages are working as expected after publishing

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Navigate through your Live funnel by clicking the Live Site button from the Funnel Visualizer. This will bring you to your Default funnel page and you can click your links and fill your forms like a customer would.

If you are redirecting to CheckoutChamp, before you implement the redirect you should ensure the products are populated within your CheckoutChamp checkout page.

To do this: Go to your published checkout URL that the customers will checkout from.

Add a product to the cart by adding the product to the URL. This will display that product inside the checkout page as if the customer had selected it from your store front.

To add a product to the URL, follow this syntax:


Include a variant by adding a period and variantDetailId to the campaignProductId



Add 1 quantity of campaignProductId 234


Adds 1 quantity of campaignProductId 234 and 2 quantity of campaignProductId 235


Adds 3 quantity of campaignProductId 87’s variantId 45 and 2 quantity of campaignProductId 79


With the product(s) in the cart, go ahead and follow your checkout funnel using a test card, live card, or live PayPal account.

Test Card transactions will not test the gateway nor fulfillment house.

Log into the CRM side of your account to search for your orderId and confirm all products were purchased and ran against the proper gateways. Also confirm that any order confirmation SMS or Email has sent.

Order Confirmations will send once the customer reaches the Thank You page of your funnel. If the customer does not reach the Thank You page, the email will send 20 minutes after the last upsell was purchased.

If you tested with a live card or PayPal and are using a natively integrated fulfillment house, your fulfillment record will move from HOLD status to PENDING status after your fulfillment delay has expired and the fulfillment task runs (once every hour).

  • Implement Redirect

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Once all the above steps are complete, your Nameservers are updated and SSL certificates are validated, follow the instructions for your storefront on how to implement the redirect so that all of your sales will go to your new customized checkout pages.

Shopify Checkout Redirect - Standard Cart

BigCommerce Checkout Redirect - Checkout Champ

Using WooCommerce Catalog with Checkout Champ Checkout Page

When you are finished, do one last test by going to your storefront, selecting products and then proceed to checkout. If you followed the steps above, you should be redirected to your CheckoutChamp checkout page with the products you had selected.

Check out with your CheckoutChamp Test Card or a live card to submit the order and follow your upsell flow. Then find your order inside CheckoutChamp to confirm everything looks as it should.

CheckoutChamp powered by Konnektive CRM | Confidential and Proprietary 2021