CheckoutChamp Continuity Report

The Continuity Report can be found under Reports|Sales|Continuity:

  • This report gives you full visibility into your continuity purchases and recurring schedules. You can use this report to view report data and to make changes to rebill schedules.

  • Using the Date Range Type, you can load up continuity purchases:

    • that were created on a certain date

    • that will bill out on a specific date

    • that were cancelled on a certain date

    • that have most recently declined on a certain date.

  • You can also filter your results by:

    • Mid

    • Campaign

    • Call Center

    • Affiliate

    • Status

  • This graph shows your Trial, Active, Recycle, Cancelled, and Recycle Failed customers within your chosen date range

The Continuity report can also be used to make changes to recurring products in batch.

You can change the status, next billing date, merchant, and other options for hundreds of recurring orders at a time.

You can select and deselect all purchases by clicking on the Select column header.

Once you have the batch update setup, just click update and click through the confirmation dialogs to save your changes.

Continuity Report Details

  • Select: : Checkbox. Check to include continuity in batch update.

  • Date : The date the continuity was purchased

  • Customer : Name of continuity customer

  • City : City of Customer billing address

  • State : State of Customer billing address

  • Country : Country of Customer billing address

  • Purchase : Title of recurring purchase

  • Status : Status of the recurring Purchase

  • Mid : Merchant for the next billing Cycle

  • Cycle : The Cycle of the Recurring purchase

  • Next Bill : Billing date of the Next Recurring Purchase Cycle

  • Amount : Amount to be billed on the Next Bill Date