WooCommerce Checkout Redirect

This WooCommerce plugin redirects checkout to Checkout Champ with ease

This plugin is not compatible with versions of WooCommerce prior to 2022. Please confirm WooCommerce is up-to-date before starting.

The minimum supported version of WordPress is 6.2. If any part of this app does not work then go to Dashboard > Updates and update to the latest version.

Step 1

Verify your WooCommerce plugin and funnel are enabled in Checkout Champ. Be sure the product sync is up-to-date.

WooCommerce Plugin - Checkout Champ

Step 2

Download this plugin file

Step 3- Add the plugin in WordPress

Go to your WordPress menu

Plugins > Add new plugin > Upload the zip file > Activate

Step 4 - Obtain keys

The keys used in this plugin must have Read or Read/Write permissions

Option 1: Copy the keys used on the WooCommerce plugin in Checkout Champ

Option 2: Generate new keys

WordPress menu > WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Rest API > Add Key > set the keys to Read or Read/Write permissions > Copy Keys and save elsewhere (keys are inaccessible after you leave this page)

Step 5 - Enter the keys in the plugin

WordPress menu > Checkout Champ Redirector

Enter both keys

Press Fetch Product Details

Step 6 - Enter the checkout page URL in the plugin

WordPress menu > Checkout Champ Redirector

Enter the Checkout Champ full checkout page URL. This must start with https://

Enter the Checkout button text and style the colors. The button text and style can be changed here at any time.

Press Save

Step 7 - Test

Confirm products are synced to Checkout Champ using the CRM plugin. You may want to sync products again before testing the redirector.

Start an order on your WooCommerce store. Verify the Checkout button redirects to Checkout Champ with the proper cart products.

Step 8 - Additional Considerations

  • The plugin does not remove the WooCommerce slide cart checkout button. If this button remains on your store after plugin installation, then you may need to remove it programmatically. This css may be helpful

.button.checkout.wc-forward.wp-element-button {
display: none;
  • TBD