Landing Page Setup (Form-Code)

Single Product Lander - Customer only has 1 offer to purchase on the checkout page (not including upsells)

Multi Product Lander - Customer has multiple offers to choose from (ex. 1 bottle, 3 bottles, 5 bottles) but they can only checkout with 1 item (not including upsells)

Shopping Cart Lander - Customer can add multiple products to their cart and then can checkout with all items

Variants have been added to the Form code. In the event that you add product variants and the product is associated to your campaign, the variants will be available in the form code. Form code will need to be downloaded after adding product variants. This change adds the product variant details to the form-code config file. These details can be accessed and used by your custom code. This change does not add support for product variants in form-code (including them in price totals calculations, etc.)

Last updated