Optimal Alerts

Go to Admin > Plugins > Chargeback Management. Click on the Optimal Alerts tile. Click + Activate.

Enter the apiKey from Optimal Alerts.

Choose to automatically refund and/or blacklist when an alert is received. The automatic refund is a full refund. The automatic blacklist will blacklist email, phone, IP address, and billing address. It will also cancel all active subscriptions for the customer.

Edit the plugin. Copy the Event URL. Enter that value at Optimal Alerts for the prevention.match event.

Alerts are received and a proper attempt is made to match the alert to a successful transaction. The evaluation is not perfect. Matching is done with card bin, card last 4 digits, arn (if provided from the gateway at the time of the transaction), date, and amount.

Refunds are automatically sent back to Optimal Alerts with the refund status.

Last updated