Last updated
Last updated
Radom does not support rebills. Radom does not support an Auth/Capture model.
Upsells are supported on Radom. However the process requires the consumer to repeat the entire checkout flow with their Radom wallet. 1-click upsells are not possible with cryptocurrency.
Setup at Radom
Obtain API Key from your Radom account
Enter this webhook URL at Radom. The webhook is required to receive refunds from Radom. Radom will provide a “Verification Key” after creating a webhook. Copy this value and store it for later use.
Go to CRM > Gateways > Gateway Integrations
Click the Radom gateway tile and press the Activate button
Step 3
Enter apiKey and verificationKey from Step 1
Enter networks (payment methods)
Enter each accepted Network in the networks box. Use the full name from the Network column in the link. Do not use the Asset column.
To accept only a specific token on a network, enter Network:Token Address
The screenshot below contains an example of what the networks input may look like. This is only an example. Use actual values from Radom.
Enter customData to customize Radom branding
Specify the leftPanelColor, primaryButtonColor, and slantedEdge for the Radom checkout
Enter the customization key, a colon, and the desired value
The screenshot below contains an example
Radom processing on your checkout page requires the same script handling as standard 3DS processing. Follow instructions in this document.
Step 5 (if using CheckoutChamp hosted pages)
Edit the funnel on which to process with Radom
Go to Settings > Payments > Alternate Payment Methods. Select the Radom gateway on which to process
Edit the checkout page
Drag a Radom button onto the page. Style the button as needed. Set Action=Submit + Route.
Save and exit the page builder
Select the Radom button on an arrow leaving the checkout page.
Additional considerations
All cryptocurrency transactions are stored in the campaign (fiat) currency
All refunds must be initiated at Radom. When the refund completes at Radom it will be updated by the webhook defined in Step 1.