Sales Tax

The Sales Tax Report is found under Reports → Payments → Sales Tax

This report is designed to show the amount in sales tax that you have charged your customers. The taxes shown in this report will come from a Tax Profile within the campaign(s), or a tax plugin such as Avalara or TaxJar.

Use the Date Range and Filter selections to refine your search.

Filter Definitions
  • Date Range Type :

    • Transaction Created Date : Filter by the date that the specific transaction was created on (this is not always the original order date).

    • Order Created Date : Filter by the date that the order was originally placed.

    • Purchase Created Date : Filter by the date the continuity purchased was started.

  • Date Range : Choose either the defaulted date ranges or your own specific dates.

  • Campaign : Filter for transactions within a specific campaign.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for transaction within a specific campaign category.

  • Product : Filter for transactions where a specific base product was purchased.

  • Product Category : Filter for transactions from a specific product category.

  • Campaign Product : Filter for transactions where a specific campaign product was purchased.

  • Affiliate : Filter for transactions associated with a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for transactions associated with a specific call center.

  • Agent : Filter for transactions associated with a specific agent.

  • Bill Type : Filter for New Sale transactions, Recurring transactions, or both.

  • Billing Cycle : Filter for transactions from a specific billing cycle.

  • Recycle # : Filter for transactions from a specific recycle billing cycle/attempt.

  • Txn Type : Filter to Sale, Authorize, Capture, COD, Void, Refund, and Authorized and Not Captured.

  • Base Currency : Filter for transactions that ran in a specific currency.

  • Country : Filter for transactions from customers in a specific country.

  • State : Filter for transactions from customers in a specific state.

  • Gateway : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway.

  • Gateway Category : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway category.

  • Gateway Type : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway type (NMI,, Stripe, PayPal, etc).

  • Card Type : Filter for transactions where a specific card type was used.

  • Credit/Debit : Filter for transaction that used a credit and/or debit card.

  • 3D Secure : Filter for transactions that are Protected and/or Not Protected.

  • Funnel : Filter for transaction that were associated with a specific funnel.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the data table.

The data table can be viewed By Country, By Postal Code, or By Currency.

Table Definitions

By Country : See a breakdown of the data by the country that the customers purchased from.

By Postal Code : See a breakdown of the data by the postal code that the customers purchased from.

By Currency : See a breakdown of the data based on the currencies that the customers bought in.

Sales Tax Table Header Definitions

  • Country : The countries that customers have purchased from within the filtered data. Expand to see States/Regions within the country.

  • Postal Code : The postal codes that customers have purchased from within the filtered data. (On By Postal Code view only)

  • Price : The total order amount for the orders within the filtered data.

  • Tax : The total amount in taxes that you have billed your customers.

Last updated