Cancellation Report

The Cancellation Report is found under Reports → Customers → Cancellation

This report will show you the cancellation reasons for cancellations within the filtered data you are searching for.

Cancellation Reasons can be created under CRM → Call Centers

Use the Date Range, Date Range Type, and other filters to refine your search.

Date Range Type: Search by the date the order was created, or the date the order was cancelled.

Filter Definitions
  • Campaign : Filter for orders within a specific Campaign, or multiple campaigns.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for orders within a specific Campaign Category.

  • Product : Filter for orders where a specific product was purchased.

  • User : Filter for orders that were cancelled by a specific user within your account.

  • Gateway : Filter for orders that were processed against a specific gateway.

  • Gateway Category : Filter for orders that were processed against a specific gateway category.

  • Base Currency : Filter for orders that were processed in a specific base currency.

  • Country : Filter for orders that bought from a specific country.

  • Affiliate : Filter for orders that came from a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for orders that came from a specific Call Center.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.

The charts provide a visual representation for the amount of each cancellation reason that fits within the filters you’ve selected. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph or a pie chart.

The table at the bottom of the page shows each cancellation reason within the filtered data and it’s total count.

Cancellation Table Header Definitions

  • Cancel Reason : Reason provided by agent on Cancel Order Action

  • Total : Number per Cancel Reason

Last updated