The Refund Details Report is found under Reports → Payments → Refund Details
This report is designed to show the details of the individual refunds within the selected date range/filters and their refund reasons.
Use the Date Range and Filter selections to determine what the report will display data for.
Filter Definitions
Date Range : Choose either the defaulted date ranges or your own specific dates.
Campaign : Filter for refunds within a specific campaign.
Campaign Category : Filter for refunds within a specific campaign category.
Product : Filter for refunds where a specific base product was purchased.
Product Category :Filter for refunds from a specific product category.
Campaign Product : Filter for refunds where a specific campaign product was purchased.
User : Filter for refunds that were issued by a specific user.
Affiliate : Filter for refunds associated with a specific affiliate.
Call Center : Filter for refunds associated with a specific call center.
Base Currency : Filter for refunds that were associated with a specific currency.
Bill Type : Filter for New Sale refunds and/or Recurring refunds.
Billing Cycle : Filter for refunds from a specific billing cycle.
Recycle # : Filter for refunds from a specific recycle billing cycle/attempt.
Refund Reason : Filter for refunds that were refunded for a specific reason.
Gateway : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway.
Gateway Category :Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway category.
Gateway Type : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway type (NMI,, Stripe, PayPal, etc).
Card Type : Filter for transactions where a specific card type was used.
Credit/Debit :Filter for transaction that used a credit and/or debit card.
3D Secure : Filter for transactions that are Protected and/or Not Protected.
Refund Type : Filter for refunds or voids, specifically. Also provides options to filter by refunds that were refunded within the CRM or refunded externally from the CRM.
Exclude Test Cards : Exclude test card refunds from the results.
Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to the data tables.
The data table has two views:
Details : Displays a table with each individual refund
Summary : Displays a table of all the refund reasons
Refund Details Table Header Definitions
Date : The date the refund was issued.
Original Date : The date the sale took place.
Source : The affiliate/call center responsible for the sale.
Campaign : The campaign the refund took place against.
Customer : The name of the customer who refunded.
Order : The orderId that was refunded
Products : The products on the transaction that was refunded.
External : Indicates if the refund took place outside of the CRM (only marked as refunded in the CRM). If blank, then the refund was issued from the CRM.
Void : Indicates if the transaction was voided rather than refunded.
Reason : Shows the Refund Reason selected by the a customer service agent.
Card : Shows if the card used was a Credit or Debit card.
Amount : The total amount that was refunded back to the customer’s card.
Gateway : The gateway that the refund took place against.
TxnId : The transactionId of the sale that was refunded.