Refund Details
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Last updated
The Refund Details Report is found under Reports → Payments → Refund Details
This report is designed to show the details of the individual refunds within the selected date range/filters and their refund reasons.
Use the Date Range and Filter selections to determine what the report will display data for.
Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to the data tables.
The data table has two views:
Details : Displays a table with each individual refund
Summary : Displays a table of all the refund reasons
Date : The date the refund was issued.
Original Date : The date the sale took place.
Source : The affiliate/call center responsible for the sale.
Campaign : The campaign the refund took place against.
Customer : The name of the customer who refunded.
Order : The orderId that was refunded
Products : The products on the transaction that was refunded.
External : Indicates if the refund took place outside of the CRM (only marked as refunded in the CRM). If blank, then the refund was issued from the CRM.
Void : Indicates if the transaction was voided rather than refunded.
Reason : Shows the Refund Reason selected by the a customer service agent.
Card : Shows if the card used was a Credit or Debit card.
Amount : The total amount that was refunded back to the customer’s card.
Gateway : The gateway that the refund took place against.
Txn Id : The transactionId of the sale that was refunded.