Transaction Summary Report

The Transaction Summary Report is found under Reports → Payments → Transaction Summary

This report is designed to give you an overall summary of the transactions within the selected date range.

Use the Date Range and Filter selections to determine what the report will display data for.

Filter Definitions
  • Date Range Type :

    • Transaction Created Date : Filter by the date that the specific transaction was created on (this is not always the original order date).

    • Order Created Date : Filter by the date that the order was originally placed.

    • Purchase Created Date : Filter by the date the continuity purchased was started.

  • Date Range : Choose either the defaulted date ranges or your own specific dates.

  • Campaign : Filter for transactions within a specific campaign.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for transaction within a specific campaign category.

  • Product : Filter for transactions where a specific base product was purchased.

  • Product Category : Filter for transactions from a specific product category.

  • Campaign Product : Filter for transactions where a specific campaign product was purchased.

  • Affiliate : Filter for transactions associated with a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for transactions associated with a specific call center.

  • Bill Type : Filter for New Sale transactions, Recurring transactions, or both.

  • Billing Cycle : Filter for transactions from a specific billing cycle.

  • Recycle # : Filter for transactions from a specific recycle billing cycle/attempt.

  • Transaction Type : Filter to Sale, Authorize, Capture, COD, Void, Refund, and Authorized and Not Captured.

  • Base Currency : Filter for transactions that ran in a specific currency.

  • Country : Filter for transactions from customers in a specific country.

  • State : Filter for transactions from customers in a specific state.

  • Gateway : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway.

  • Gateway Category : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway category.

  • Gateway Type : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway type (NMI,, Stripe, PayPal, etc).

  • Card Type : Filter for transactions where a specific card type was used.

  • Credit/Debit : Filter for transaction that used a credit and/or debit card.

  • 3D Secure : Filter for transactions that are Protected and/or Not Protected.

  • Exclude zero amount transactions : This toggle will omit transactions that were $0.00

  • Group order declines : Group all declines from a single order as one decline.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.

The charts provide a visual representation for the New Sales, Recurring Bills, Gross Revenue, Refund Total, Expenses, Chargebacks, and Net Revenue for the transactions being displayed on the table below. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph, line graph or a pie chart.

The data table can be viewed By Gateway, By Campaign, By Source, By Product, and By Campaign Product

Table Definitions

By Gateway : See a breakdown of the data based on the gateway used for the purchases.

By Campaign : See a breakdown of the data by campaign. This data can be further expanded by the products within the campaign by clicking on the green triangle next to the campaign name.

By Source : See a breakdown of the data by source (affiliate). This data can be further expanded by the PublisherId and SubAffiliateId under an affiliate by clicking on the green triangle next to the Affiliate’s name.

By Product : See a breakdown of the data by base product.

By Campaign Product : See a breakdown of the data by campaign product.

Transaction Summary Table Header Definitions

  • ID : ID # the gateway, campaign, source, product, or campaign product; dependent on the table you are viewing.

  • Gateway / Campaign / Source / Product / Campaign Product : Sort type; dependent on the table you are viewing

  • Sales : New Sales approvals(unique products)

  • Declines : New Sale declines(unique declines only)

  • Approval % : New Sale approvals / (New Sale declines + New Sale approvals)

  • Revenue : New Sale Revenue amount

  • Rebills : Rebill approvals

  • RB Declines : Rebill declines (unique declines only)

  • RB Approval % : Rebill approvals/(Rebill approvals + Rebill declines)

  • RB Revenue : Rebill revenue amount

  • Refunds : Number of successful Refunds and Voids transactions

  • Refund Amt : Refund revenue amount includes both successful Refund transactions and successful Void transactions

  • CB : Number of chargebacks

  • CB % : Chargebacks/New Sales + Rebills

  • CB Rev. : Chargedback Revenue Amount

  • Expenses : Discount price + Shipping discount + Product cost + Shipping cost

  • Sales Tax : Total Sales Tax Note: This does not represent additional revenue over New Sale and Rebill revenue

  • Gross Revenue : Sales Revenue + Rebill Revenue

  • Net Revenue : Sales revenue + Rebill revenue - Refund total - Expense Total

  • SKU : The SKU for the product (only on the By Product and By Campaign Product tables)

  • Quantity : How many of the product was purchased (only on the By Product and By Campaign Product tables)

Additional Notes

Chargeback numbers on the Transaction Summary Report are based on transaction date (the number of transactions in a date range that have been charged back). Use the chargeback details report to get the number of chargebacks received in a date range.

If you include both Auth and Capture on the filter at the same time, the report will only count the auth transactions and ignore the captures. (unless the product is an Auth/Hold trial, in which case the Capture is counted.)

Last updated