Billing Report
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Last updated
The Billing Report is found under Reports → Payments → Billing Report
This report is designed to show the cycle-by-cycle approval rate for transactions that have occurred within your CRM.
Use the Date Range and Filter selections to refine your search.
Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.
The charts provide a visual representation of the Approval Rate for the transactions being displayed on the table below. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph or line graph.
The table at the bottom of the page can be viewed By Gateway, By Campaign, or By Source:
Any cycle with activity will display statistics. If there are not statistics showing for a particular cycle, that means that there aren’t any filtered transactions for the gateway/campaign/source that have reached that billing cycle.
Gateway/Campaign/Source : The gateway/campaign/source that the transactions are associated with.
Initial Billing : The statistics for initial (cycle 1) transactions within the date range.
Cycle 2, 3, 4, etc : The statistics for each billing cycle that has occurred for the transactions within the date range.
Initial : The statistics for initial attempts for the specific cycle.
Recycle 1 : The statistics for the first recycle billing attempts.
Recycle 2 : The statistics for the second recycle billing attempts.
Recycle 3+ : The statistics for the third recycle billing attempt, and on.
Total : The overall statistics for Initial + Recycle attempts