
This menu option hosts Maintenance utilities for your funnel


CheckoutChamp will automatically place search engine tags in the head of the default page in your funnel. This is placed only on the default page. This makes it easy to have your page crawled by search engines. It is then your responsibility to optimize your page content for SEO.

CheckoutChamp adds OpenGraph and Twitter meta tags to the page head.

  1. Edit your checkout funnel

  2. Go to Settings > Maintenance

  3. Choose to allow search engines to crawl your pages

  4. Page Title - enter a title to be displayed in search engine results. This value defaults to the funnel title.

  5. Description - enter a short page description to be displayed in search engine results.

  6. Feature Image - select an image that will show on social media search results

  7. Close the Maintenance window

  8. Edit the default page in the funnel

  9. Save the page (you do not have to make any changes to the page) and exit the page builder

  10. Publish

Here is a page example with SEO tags automatically added

Upload Files

Upload any files needed by your site, such as a web app manifest. When you are complete, edit the default page in the funnel, save the page (you do not have to make any changes to the page) and exit the page builder, and then Publish the funnel.

You can reference your uploaded file from your published URL. For example, assuming your published funnel is located at “”, a recently uploaded js file named “generic.js” would be found at “”.

Show exceptions in a popup - Check this box to show exceptions in a popup. By Default all exceptions are shown as a label on the page.

Disable address geolocation - CheckoutChamp defaults country and state on checkout pages by geolocating the IP address. Check this box to disable this functionality.

Update currency on change of country - Automatically update the order currency when the billing country is changed. The campaign base currency will be used if the country currency is not on the campaign.

Enable phone format by country - Allows consumers to choose a phone country. Show a country flag. Enforce the country phone format.

Verify Out-of-Stock products - Do not allow purchase of out-of-stock shippable products. Show an out-of-stock indication to consumers.

Disable removal of default coupon - Do not allow removal of the default coupon. The default coupon will count against the max coupons allowed on the order.

Disable shipping price display - Do not show shipping prices as part of the shipping method selection.

Disable lazy loading - Disable lazy loading of media (Image, Video, iframe) on all pages.

Last updated