
CustomClub is an in-house Membership Platform built for CheckoutChamp CRM Clients.

You can create as many CustomClub plugins as you need and you can tie them to as many membership products as you need. CustomClub plugins can also be used across multiple campaigns.

It is best, however, that any given campaign only has a single CustomClub plugin associated with it as having multiple tied to the same campaign could cause issues with the system identifying the correct club to log the customer into, resulting with the Invalid Credentials error.

To Activate this plugin, navigate to Admin → Plugins → Membership Services

  • clubName - Internal identifying name

  • memberIdType -

    • File: Please reach out to your account manager for more information.

    • Sequential: (In sequence this will be assigned a member number based off when entered ex Membership 1, 2, 3... Etc.)

    • Phone Number: (Create a membership based off the Phone number.)

    • Random Hex: This is a random string of letters and numbers generated to each member entered into the system.

  • Check the "GenerateUserPass" box if you want CheckoutChamp to automatically generate the users username and password.

    • If you uncheck this box, you can use the Update Membership API to update the customer’s membership credentials.

  • Check the "oneClubPerCustomer" box if you want each customer to have a single set of credentials for the plugin. If one customer purchases multiple products in the club then all the subscriptions will have the same credentials.

    • If you uncheck this box, then every time a customer purchases a club product a new unique set of credentials will be issued to the customer for that product.

Once CustomClub is created, navigate to CRM → Products to apply the Membership to the Base Product.

  • General Details Create your Product Name.

  • Under Fulfillment Details fill in your details and select your Membership name and click on the "Blue" Update Button.

Note: Once the product is purchased it will Start the Membership.

Note: The club Username will initially be set to the customer's email address.

Send Membership Information to the Customer though Initial Order, Recurring Order, or All Orders Event Type Auto-responders Inside of the Campaign using these Tokens-

  • Membername [clubMemberId]

  • Username [clubUsername]

  • Password [clubPassword]

CheckoutChamp Membership APIs

Last updated