PayPal Commerce Checkout (Legacy)
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Schedule Sales DemoUse of a Lead Page is recommended but not required. Be sure to note the additional values that must be passed in Step 6 to complete checkout without it.
This PayPal implementation should be used if you expect a consumer to checkout without entering any identifiable information. If however you are capturing the consumer’s name prior to checkout (including on a lead page), then you may find it simpler to use this improved workflow to process PayPal transactions.
Authorization trials (such as Hold Trial Charge, Authorize and Void, etc.) are not supported through PayPal Seamless Checkout
You must use live PayPal credentials. Using sandbox credentials will result in an error reading “Security error: Security header is not valid”
If your account requires FraudNet, send the FraudNet data in the paypalClientMetadataId parameter when calling Import Order and Confirm PayPal API.
PayPal can process direct credit cards if your account is setup properly. Card processing on a PayPal Commerce gateway requires no special handling. Process the card using a normal checkout flow or using 3DS flow. This document assumes you are processing using PayPal checkout and NOT direct credit cards.
Step 1: Import Click -
Customer lands on the ‘presellPage’ of the funnel and a click is imported using the Import Click endpoint.
Be sure to include pageType=presellPage and the requestUri (include affiliate tracking string for reporting)
The response from this call will contain a sessionId which should be sent on all subsequent API calls for this session.
Use of a Lead Page is recommended but not required. Be sure to note the additional values that must be passed in Step 6 to complete checkout without it.
Step 2: Import Click -
Customer proceeds to the next page in the funnel, the 'leadPage', and another click is imported using the Import Click endpoint.
Be sure to include pageType=leadPage and sessionId
If this is the first page of the funnel -
Send requestUri (include affiliate tracking string for reporting) instead of sessionId.
The response from this call will contain a sessionId which should be sent on all subsequent API calls for this session.
Step 3: Import Lead -
Once the customer fills in and submits the lead form, a new lead is created with the Import Lead endpoint.
Be sure to include the sessionId that was returned from your first Import Click call.
The response from a properly formed import lead call will contain an orderId. Save this value for steps 5, 6, 8, & 10.
Step 4: Import Click -
After a successful submission of the Lead Page, the customer proceeds to the next page in the funnel, the 'checkoutPage', and another click is imported using the Import Click endpoint.
Be sure to include pageType=checkoutPage and sessionId
If this is the first page of the funnel -
Send requestUri (include affiliate tracking string for reporting) instead of sessionId.
The response from this call will contain a sessionId which should be sent on all subsequent API calls for this session.
Step 5: Import Order -
This is the part of your funnel that contains the PayPal checkout button. It is important to bind the Import Order call to the button. A successful Import Order response will include a paypalUrl parameter. Redirect the browser to that url.
Be sure to include the sessionId and orderId from the previous steps.
There are three PayPal specific requirements that must be passed to Import Order:
paySource = 'PAYPAL'
paypalBillerId = the value assigned to your PayPal gateway, found on your gateway list.
salesUrl = the url of the page in your funnel that PayPal will redirect to on a successful transaction.
Step 6: Confirm PayPal -
Upon successful Import Order response redirect the browser to paypalUrl. This is the PayPal login page (or to PayPal’s guest checkout page if the “guestCheckout” option is enabled on the gateway).
After the transaction in PayPal the customer is redirected by PayPal to your salesUrl (from step 5) with a query string appended containing three parameters: paypalAccept, token, and PayerID.
Call the Confirm PayPal endpoint to finalize the transaction. Include the token, PayerID, and baToken if returned by PayPal (all values may not be returned in all situations). Also pass the orderId value (if using Import Lead).
token = token
payerId = PayerID
baToken = ba_token
orderId = CRM order ID (if using Import Lead)
Also include the following values if they were passed in via Import Order and you are not using Import Lead call: