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This article will walk you through adding your RocketGate gateway.
Go to Gateways > Gateway Integrations and scroll down to the RocketGate Plugin.
Click on the RocketGate Plugin.
Click on Activate.
Now the Create New Gateway page will appear. Double-check that RocketGate is selected in the gateway field and fill in the rest of the info on the gateway profile.
merchantId: RocketGate identification number
merchantAccount: Merchant Account to which transactions are applied assigned by RocketGate
merchantPassword: RocketGate Password
merchantAccountSequence: RocketGate account sequence number
siteId: Optional identification number used to identify the source of a transaction in RocketGate reports
sendAddressInfo: Send Billing Address to gateway
Customer Service
Phone #: The customer service phone number that customers should call related to this gateway.
Chargeback #: The customer service phone number for chargebacks on the gateway.
Email #: The customer service email that customers should use.
URL: A support web page related to the gateway.
Monthly Cap: This is the total volume per month that is allowed to process on the gateway. The CRM can calculate your cap usage two different ways:
The first calculation includes only gross billings against the gateway and ignores refunds (this is default).
The second calculation shows net billings and includes refunds to give the net billings for the month. You can enable the second option by enabling the Include Refunds checkbox.
Discount Rate: The discount rate associated with the processor. This a percentage of volume taken by the bank on every sale.
Transaction Fee: This is a flat rate that is charged by the gateway for each transaction.
Reserve Rate: This is a percentage on billings that the bank keeps in a rolling reserve.
Chargeback Ratio: This is the threshold for Chargeback rates.
Trial Limits
Validate Card Amount: This is used for the Validate Card authorization type. This value determines the authorization amount ran to the gateway if the offer is using Validate Card. This can be used to authorize a card for up to $15.
Additional Options
Enabled: Whether or not to allow any sales on the gateway. When this box is deselected, no sales are allowed to process against the gateway.
Block Pre-Paid: Whether or not to allow prepaid cards to process against the gateway. If checked, prepaid cards will be blocked.
Block Debit Cards: Whether or not to allow debit cards to process against the gateway. If checked, debit cards will be blocked.
Accepted Payments
Echeck: Check this if your gateway allows eCheck transactions.
Mastercard: Check this if your gateway allows Master Cards.
Visa: Check this if your gateway allows Visa Cards.
AmEx: Check this if your gateway allowed American Express Cards.
Discover: Check this if your gateway allowed Discover.
Merchant Details
Descriptor: (Required) The descriptor that the customers will see on their bank statements. Can be used as a token on some autoresponders.
Mid#: (Required) This is the mid number for the gateway. This can be found on the VAR sheet or by contacting your merchant provider.
Processor: This is the processor that the particular mid on the gateway is using.
Now Click on "Create Gateway" to save your settings.
Please review all information for accuracy before creating the new gateway.