T-Shirt Club

There are two common ways to run a T-Shirt Club:

Option 1: T-Shirt of the Month – Let your fulfillment house determine which SKU should be shipped each month

This option has the easiest configuration within CheckoutChamp. To set this up, create a base product within your product list:

After you create the product, scroll down on the product configuration page to add your variant options and also the SKUs and Prices for each of the different variant options.

The SKUs you configure should be a generic SKU - so when your fulfillment house sees “TOTM-XL” they know to send the extra large size of the T-Shirt of the Month.

Once you have finished configuring this base product, select this base product as the base product inside of your offer setup within the campaign.

Option 2: Set SKU Rotations – Control which SKU sends to the fulfillment house each month

This option will require a little more setup than the T-Shirt of the Month configuration, especially if you are not syncing your products/variants in from an external source.

To set this up, first you will need to create a base product for each of the T-Shirts that will be rotating on each cycle. Each of these T-Shirts must have matching Variants and also SKUs and Prices applied to each of the variants.

Once you have all your T-Shirts added as base products (with variants and the SKUs+Pricing) you will now create one more generic “T-Shirt Club” base product, which will house all of the rotation items. (Product SKU under the Fulfillment Details will not send if you set a Cycle 1 Rotation later on)

After you create the product, scroll down to the Variants section and be sure to add the same matching Variants as your T-Shirts.

Finally, back on the configuration page for the T-Shirt Club product, scroll down to the Rotations section. Here you will set which T-Shirt will send on which cycle, starting with cycle 1.

Please note that the last configured rotation will repeat itself. At any time you can edit the T-Shirt Club base product to add more SKUs for future billings, or you can remove an existing rotation to add a different SKU for that cycle.

Once you are done configuring the T-Shirt Club product with the rotations, you will use this base product as the base product inside of your offer setup within the campaign.

Another version of Option 2 would be to create all the T-Shirt options inside CheckoutChamp, but instead of using a separate product for the rotations you can add the rotations into the cycle 1 shirt, but only set the rotations for cycle 2 and on.

Last updated