Recycle Billing

Recycle billing is used to automatically reattempt a soft-declined rebill. The article below will walk you through setting up a Recycle Billing profile.

If you add a new gateway to the CRM after you create the Recycle Billing Profile, make sure to add the new gateway to the profile.

Recycle billing does not reattempt on hard declines.

You can map specific gateway decline responses to be categorized as hard or soft declines via decline message mapping.

Adding a Recycle Billing Profile

Navigate to Gateways > Recycle Billing to add your recycle billing profiles. Here you will find a list of the Recycle Billing profiles once you have them configured and saved.

The table will display some basic data about the profiles and give you options to

Edit, Delete or Add New.

Click the green + button to add a new profile:

Inside the Recycle Billing Profiles there are three sections:

General Details | Basic Recycle Billing Rules | Extended Recycle Billing Rules

General Details

  • Reduction Type:

    • Flat Price Reduction: Reduce by flat amount.

    • Percentage Reduction: Reduce by a percentage of original price.

  • Minimum Price: This is the minimum amount to which the transaction can be reduced. If the profile recycles initial orders, this is the minimum amount to recycle an initial order. It is suggested to use this option if you are. *With FlexPay, any initial orders below this amount will not be recycled.

  • Bill on Saturday: Force all recycle attempts to occur on Saturday.

  • Hold Recycle Price: If a customer approves on a discounted price, that price will stick.

  • Apply to Gateways: Select the gateways you want the profile use. You can select more than one gateway at a time but a gateway can only be inside of a single profile.

Basic Recycle Billing Rules

These Re-Attempt inputs allow you specify how long to wait between each Re-Attempt and by how much the price should be decreased.

The reduction and days of an attempt are added to the end of the last attempt.

Extended Recycle Billing Rules

The Extended Recycle Billing Rules allow you to extend your Re-Attempts up to 6 more times for a total of 9 recycle attempts.

These rules will only activate if you choose a gateway from the dropdown in the respective section.

If a Recycle Billing order reaches the Extended Rules, all transactions will cascade to the gateway chosen.

Example Ruleset

In this example, Attempt 1 occurs 3 days after the initial decline for the full price.

If Attempt 1 soft declines, Attempt 2 will be 5 days after attempt 1 and 8 days after the initial decline.

Attempt 2 will bill for $10.00 less than the original price.

If that attempt soft declines, Attempt 3 will occur 7 days after Attempt 2 and 15 days after the initial decline.

It will bill for $10.00 less than the attempt 2 amount and $20.00 less than the initially declined amount.

If the first three attempts fail, then all transactions from the selected mids on the left will run against to the gateway chosen in the extended rules.

Attempt 4 will happen 1 day after Attempt 3 and 16 days after the initial decline, with no additional price reduction, still billing at $20 less than the initial rebill price.

Skip Attempt

The Recycle Billing profile allows for 9 reattempts on a soft declined rebill.

However, you do NOT need/want to use all 9 attempts.

If they do not convert after 3-5 attempts then you are really just wasting transactions.

That said, you can use the Skip option on an attempt so the system simply skips that attempt.

In the example above, there are only 2 attempts so if Attempt 2 declines, the customer will fall into Recycle Failed status and will not have another retry attempt. You can also Skip attempts to get to the extended rules sooner.

Purchase Status

Recycle Billing: The rebill soft declined and the purchase is following the Recycle Billing rules that the gateway is added to.

Recycle Failed: The rebill declined against all attempts from the Recycle Billing Profile. This status will also occur if the rebill hard declined, or if the gateway that the purchase is running against is not added to a Recycle Billing profile.

Disable on Campaign

Recycle Billing profiles are enabled on all campaigns by default.

To disable a campaign from using Recycle Billing profiles, enable the Disable Recycle Billing toggle inside a campaign's General Details.

Last updated