Customer Service Report

This report can be found under Reports Call Center Customer Service

This report can be used to track all customer activity done in the system. You can see action done by the system as well as any user in relation to a customer's profile.

Choose which filters to refine down search:

Start and End Date: Search for actions within the selected dates and times

Campaign: The campaign customers are within

Campaign Category: Filter to a campaign category

Product: The specific product customer bought

Call Center: The call center the customer came through.

User: The user within the CRM that did the actions.

Access Level: Admin/ Customer Service Agent / Affiliate/ API User/ CS Admin/ Sales Rep

Base Currency: Filter by a specific currency

Country: Filter by a specific country

Actions: see below

  1. Partial - Incomplete order

  2. New Sale Declined - New sale transaction not successful

  3. New Sale Success - Successful new sale transaction

  4. QA Declined - Quality assurance declined

  5. QA Approved - Quality assurance approved

  6. QA Pending - Order set to QA pending

  7. Trial Started - Started recurring trial

  8. Rebill Started - Rebill initiated

  9. Trial Completed - Customer completed trial

  10. Trial Failed - Trial transaction not successful

  11. Rebill Forced - A user forced the rebill to occur immediately

  12. Rebill Success - Rebill success

  13. Rebill Failed - Rebill declined

  14. Rebill Completed - Completed all billing cycles

  15. Recycle Saved - Successful recycle billing transaction

  16. Recycle Failed - Recycle billing transaction not successful

  17. Order Reshipped - A user reshipped the fulfillment for an order

  18. Void - A user voided a transaction on an order

  19. Order Cancelled - Cancelled order

  20. Rebill Restarted - Rebill restarted

  21. Agent Note - Note added by agent

  22. Customer Updated - Updated customer information

  23. Purchase Updated - Updated recurring purchase

  24. Order Updated - Updated order information

  25. Fulfillment Updated - Updated the fulfillment record

  26. Fulfillment Bundled - Fulfillment were bundled before sending to fulfillment house

  27. Fulfillment Captured - Tied to customer history messages for capture on shipment being successful

  28. Refunded - Successful refund transaction

  29. Refund Failed - Refund transaction failed

  30. Blacklisted - Customer added to blacklist

  31. Chargebacked - Chargeback transaction

  32. Membership Started - Customer added to membership (plugin)

  33. Membership Cancelled - Customer removed from membership (plugin)

  34. Membership Restarted - Customer restarted membership (plugin)

  35. Autoresponder - Email sent to customer

  36. SMS Autoresponder - SMS sent to customer

  37. Trial Skipped - Cancelled recurring trial

  38. Rebill Cancelled - Cancelled recurring purchase

  39. Restart Billing - Billing cycle restarted

  40. Rma Pending - Fulfillment set to pending return

  41. Order Returned - Return received from customer

  42. Order Shipped - Fulfillment shipped

  43. Order Failed - Fulfillment failed

  44. Order Frozen - Permanent hold on fulfillment

  45. Account Update Success - Card was updated via CardSync

  46. Account Update Failure - Card was not updated via CardSync

  47. Fraud Result - A fraud result was given by a fraud plugin

  48. Consent Received - Customer gave consent to rebill (Express Consent only)

  49. Consent Denied - Customer denied consent to rebill (Express Consent only)

  50. Fulfillment Address Hold - Fulfillment on hold at fulfillment house due to address validation

  51. Order Export Successful - Order was exported via webhooks

  52. Order Export Failed - Webhook export failed

  53. Fulfillment Item Updated - The fulfillment item was changed or updated

  54. Address Verify Success - Address was verified by SmartyStreets

  55. Address Verify Failed - Address was not verified by SmartyStreets

  56. Tax Collection Failed - Tax reconciliation failed

  57. Fulfillment Cancel Failed - Fulfillment could not be automatically cancelled at fulfillment house

  58. Tax Calculation Failed - Request to tax service plugin resulted in an error

  • Include Agent Notes - Will display both system and agent notes

  • Hide System Actions - Hide all action done by system (API calls included)

  • Agent Notes Only - Hides all notes unless they are done by an agent

The actions seen above are also the ones that will display with the Summary section of this report:

Click on the Total amount of the action you are searching to see the Details tab:

Customer Service Report Details


  • Action: Type of Action initialized by User

  • Total: # of records affected by Action


  • Username - The user who did the actions

  • Customer - The name of the customer that action was completed on

  • Actions - What was actually done

  • Message - Manual agent notes or system generated notes

  • Access Level - The access level of the user who did the action

  • Date Created - Date the action was done

  • Is Note - Will display with a note if agent manually put in a note

Last updated