

No card details are stored for merchants using Klarna or Stripe V2 Payment Gateway

Klarna will work with CheckoutChamp hosted funnels and landers that connect via Direct API.

Order Entry does not support this payment method.

To add Klarna to a CheckoutChamp funnel, please follow this documentation.

To process Klarna on Stripe V2, please follow this documentation.

STEP 1 - Activate Plugin

CRM/Direct API Setup -

Go to Gateways | Gateway Integrations and select the Klarna button. Click on +Activate.

Enter the following information specific to Klarna:

  • Region - choose your region. Europe, North America, or Oceania.

  • Username - Obtained from your Klarna API page

  • Password - Obtained from your Klarna API page

    • You may want to create a new set of API credentials for your CRM connection. Klarna provides a dropdown to view different API Keys/store connections.

  • Descriptor - Obtained from your Klarna API page

  • Mid # - Obtained from your Klarna API page. Located before the “_” of the username

Click the green Create Gateway button to save your changes and create the gateway

STEP 2 - Apply to Offers

If Klarna is your only gateway option, assign the gateway to your campaign offers. Otherwise, skip this step and use the forceMerchantId option in the next step.

STEP 3 - Apply to Checkout Page

To add Klarna to a CheckoutChamp funnel, please follow this documentation.

Checkout page setup

A checkout page should be secure HTTPS. A non-secured call to the Klarna gateway will be rejected.

Pass paySource=PREPAID and prepaidType=KLARNA on the import order API call from your checkout page. Do not pass any other card information.

Pass salesUrl = the checkout page url. Klarna requires the checkout page url be included with the order.

One option is to use hidden input fields on the page

<input type="hidden" name='paySource' value="PREPAID">
<input type='hidden' name='prepaidType' value='KLARNA'>

If your standard credit card gateways are applied to your offers, use the forceMerchantId parameter in the Import Order API call. Note that this will only work for one time sales, it will not work with recurring transactions.

For more info on the Import Order API call, please refer to our API Documentation.

STEP 4 - Redirect

Follow standard 3Ds instructions to redirect the consumer to Klarna

Direct API 3DS Instructions

STEP 5 - Upsells

Use standard upsell functionality. If a 2-click upsell is required by Klarna then be sure to implement Step 4 on upsell pages.

Last updated