Maropost SMTP Profile

This guide will show you how to configure your SMTP profile to support using an API key with Maropost.

  1. Navigate to Admin → Plugins → SMTP Maintenance

  • Click the Add Mail Server [+] button or the edit button associated with your Maropost SMTP Profile

  • Set the form fields like as:

Host Name:

Username: apikey (Not your actual API key- type in “apikey”)

Password: Your API key from Maropost

From Email: the address associated with this SMTP Profile

Port number: 587

Use SSL: unchecked

Use Relay: checked

Custom Headers (* indicates required):

* X-ApiKey: Your API key from Maropost

* X-AccountID: Your Maropost Account ID

* X-CampaignName: The unique lookup key for the transactional campaign

* X-CampaignID: The Transactional Campaign ID that you have created within Maropost for Marketing. This x-header is required ONLY if your Maropost Marketing Cloud Account ID is between 1 and 999.

* SMTPAutoTLS:false This custom header must be included with false for Maropost SMTP to work properly.

Optional SMTP Headers and more SMTP information can be found here.

Last updated