Refund/Void a Transaction

Locate the customer order record when ready to issue a refund or void.

Once the customer is selected, go to the Orders table and press the order link.

Select Full Refund or Partial Refund for the appropriate product (note the user must have Allow Refunds security access).

  • If you are giving a partial refund, you can enter the amount you would like to refund then click the Submit Refund button.

  • Choose a Refund Reason

  • Optionally choose to refund a specific order item

Note: Using either option, you can cancel the order after the refund by selecting the Cancel Order After Refund? box.

  • Once you have submitted the refund the status will change to Refunded :

Alternative - Void or Refund

On the customer profile, scroll down to the Transactions tab and click on the red Actions button. Then click Void or Refund. Void may not always be available on all transaction types. In general Void is used to cancel authorizations and to cancel sale transactions that have not yet settled.

If refunding, enter the amount you would like to refund then click the Refund button.

Note: If you have already refunded the transaction from the gateway portal, you can check the Refunded Externally box before submitting to simply mark the transaction as refunded. The CRM cannot refund a transaction that has already been refunded.

Refund Queue

If a refund attempt fails at any point then it will be added to a refund queue. While in the queue the CRM will attempt to refund the transaction once per day for 3 days. If unable to refund after 3 days then it will be removed from the queue.

If the refund fails after the third attempt, the emails listed in the Notify Emails section of the Account Settings page will receive a notification email.

If this should occur, please feel free to submit a support ticket so our team can investigate the issue.

You may need to refund the transaction from inside the gateway and use the “Refunded Externally” option in the CRM to only mark the transaction as refunded.

Last updated