The Transaction Details Report is found under Reports → Payments → Transaction Details
This report is designed to show the individual transactions that have occurred within your CRM.
Use the Date Range and Filter selections to refine your search.
Filter Definitions
Date Range Type :
Transaction Created Date : Filter by the date that the specific transaction was created on (this is not always the original order date.
Order Created Date : Filter by the date that the order was originally placed.
Purchase Created Date : Filter by the date the continuity purchased was started.
Date Range : Choose either the defaulted date ranges or your own specific dates.
Campaign : Filter for transactions within a specific campaign.
Campaign Category : Filter for transaction within a specific campaign category.
Product : Filter for transactions where a specific base product was purchased.
Product Category : Filter for transactions from a specific product category.
Campaign Product : Filter for transactions where a specific campaign product was purchased.
Affiliate : Filter for transactions associated with a specific affiliate.
Call Center : Filter for transactions associated with a specific call center.
Base Currency : Filter for transactions that ran in a specific currency.
Country : Filter for transactions from customers in a specific country.
Bill Type : Filter for New Sale transactions, Recurring transactions, or both.
Billing Cycle : Filter for transactions from a specific billing cycle.
Recycle # : Filter for transactions from a specific recycle billing cycle/attempt.
Txn (Transaction) Type : Filter to Sale, Authorize, Capture, COD, Void, Refund, Authorized and Sale, Refund and Void, and/or Authorized and Not Captured.
Response Type : Filter to Success, Soft Decline, Hard Decline, or COD Pending transactions
Fraud Status : Filter for transactions that were Approved, Rejected, Pending, or Error; due to a Fraud Plugin like Fraud Manager.
Funnel : Filter for transactions that came from a specific funnel.
Gateway : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway.
Gateway Category : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway category.
Gateway Type : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway type (NMI,, Stripe, PayPal, etc)
Card Type : Filter for transactions where a specific card type was used
Credit/Debit : Filter for transactions that used a credit or debit card.
Prepaid Cards : Filter for transactions that used a prepaid card.
3D Secure : Filter for transactions that are Protected or Not Protected.
Exclude Test Cards : This toggle will omit transactions that were placed with a CRM test card.
Exclude Decline Saves : This toggle will exclude transactions that were declined but retried successfully.
Get Count Only : This toggle will retrieve the total count only. It will not retrieve chart, summary, KPIs or table results. This does not affect export. A full export can be done with this checked.
Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.
The charts provide a visual representation for the New Sales, Recurring Bills, Refunds, Expenses, and Total Revenue for the transactions being displayed on the table below. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph or line graph.
The tableat the bottom of the page shows the details of the filtered transactions:
Transaction Details Table Header Definitions
Date : The date of the transaction.
Source : The Affiliate that originated the transaction.
Campaign : The title of the campaign the transaction is in.
Customer : The name of customer for the transaction.
Order : The orderId for the transaction
Products : The quantity and name of the product(s) purchased.
Cycle : The transaction’s billing cycle.
Recycle # : The recycle billing cycle attempt.
Type : The type of transaction.
Amount : Total amount of transaction.
Result : The result of transaction.
Response : The response from gateway.
Gateway : The gateway that transaction ran against.
Txn Id : Transaction ID provided by gateway.
Tax Inv : The tax invoice number; provided by a tax service plugin.