Offers and Upsells

You can create offers and upsells for your funnel either within your Funnel or within the campaign on the CRM side.

To add or edit products in Checkout Champ, navigate to your funnel and open the settings for the funnel.

After opening either option you will see all of the offers added to the funnel/campaign. You can click the pencil button to edit an offer/upsell or you can add new offers/upsells by using the “Add Existing Product” or “Add New Product” buttons.

Add Existing Product - This will allow you to configure an offer for a base product that you already have added to your Checkout Champ account.

Add New Product - This will allow you to add a brand new product to your Checkout Champ account and apply a billing schedule to this product as an offer

  • Product Name - Identifying name of your product

  • Client ID - Only required for a few plugins

  • Product Description - Description of the product being sold

  • Show to Affiliates? - Will show upsell stats to affiliates if checked (Upsells only)

  • Use Offer Mid - Will force upsell to always use the same mid as the main offer (Upsells only)

  • Fulfillment House - Sets the fulfillment house/software which will ship this product to the customer

  • Qty Per Order - Can be used for offers with quantity variants. If set to 3 for example, the CRM will send SKUx3

  • Fulfillment Delay - Hold the offer for an additional length of time to satisfy same day cancellations

  • Product SKU - The SKU assigned to the product within your fulfillment house/software

  • Product Cost - Cost of the product to you, the merchant (used for expense reporting)

  • Shipping Cost - Cost for you to ship the product (used for expense reporting)

  • Merchant Account - Sets the merchant account that this offer will bill against

  • Weight - Internal value to store weight. Will send to fulfillment

  • Qty Available - Sets an available quantity to the product and will reflect on Fulfillment→Inventory Report as the products are being purchased. (See Inventory Report)

  • Billing Type - Sets the offer to be a one-time billing or a recurring billing offer

    • One Time - Customer will be billed at the time of purchase and will not bill again

    • Recurring - Customer will be billed at the time of purchase and will bill again at a later date

Last updated