Email Service Provider General Set Up
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Step 1 : Go to ADMIN > PLUGINS and Click Email Service Providers from the menu on the left.
Step 2: Click the tile for the company you are using and click +Activate.
Step 3: Input the credentials and click Connect.
These would come from the email service provider you are using and they will vary based on which company you choose.
Step 4: Click Edit
Step 5: Click Green + to add route
Step 6: Choose your Customer Type
Partial - Partial orders also known as abandoned carts. Decline - Orders that decline. Sale - All new sales. Sale with no Upsale - All new sale without an upsell. Upsale - Only orders with an upsell product. Rebill Success - A succesfully billed subscription. Rebill Decline - A rebill that declines (both hard and soft declines). Subscription Cancellation - Anytime a subscription is placed in a cancelled status. Recycle Failed - Anytime a subscription is placed in a Recycle Failed status.
Step 7: Choose the CheckoutChamp Campaign you want the customer to come from. You can select ‘All’ or multiple campaigns.
Step 8: Select the CheckoutChamp Product you want the customer to purchase. *Note: If you have specified multiple campaigns or all campaigns, the product selection option will be disabled. This is by design.
Step 9: select Create