Continuity Purchase Profile
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This is the section within the customer profile to handle changes to a recurring order. It can be found within a customer profile by clicking the Continuity tab and clicking the link in the Purchase column.
This profile page gives a lot of choice to edit a customer’s recurring product:
Order: The Order Id
Order Date: The date of the order (usually also the date of the most recent billing)
Product: The product attached to the recurring. * The product can be changed here
Quantity: How much of the product they are receiving every cycle
Billing Type: Whether its recurring or one time
Status: This might starts as a Trial and will change to Active after the 2nd successful billing
Trial Type: Standard or Accelerated (displays only if the purchase is a trial)
Final Bill Cycle: If there is already a cycle that the customer is supposed to stop at Next Bill
Billing Cycle: The cycle the customer is currently on
Merchant: The gateway the product will bill on next
Next Bill Date: The upcoming billing date
Price: How much they will pay for the product in the next cycle
Shipping: The price they will pay for shipping on the next cycle
Sales Tax:
Auto: The system will automatically generate the tax
Custom: You can input a specific sales tax amount
Insure Shipment: The option to add insurance on the product when shipped
Update Purchase: This needs to be clicked to accept any changes made within the "Purchase Details" and "Next - Bill" or the changes won't be saved
Restart Trial: If customer is being allowed to restart the trial from day 1
Skip Trial: Customer will skip trial and go into Cycle 2
Cancel Subscription: If customer wants to cancel the subscription for this product
Force Bill NOW: Will force the Next Bill Date and bill immediately
Change Product: When a product is changed, so are the product's details such as pricing, merchant, and etc. If you don't want to change the products details but just the product, select 'No' on the pop up dialog and 'Yes' to change the product and the products details. None of the product's details are changed if the product is a straight sale.
Note: if something is hard set on the page (ie. Billing Type, Trial Type) it cannot be edited.
Below the purchase updater, you will see the History of the customer, the Transaction history, and the Fulfillment history for this product:
History : Any changes or occurrences that have happened within this recurring profile
Transactions - All the transactions in relation to this product including declines
Fulfillment - All fulfillment history this customer has with this product as well as the status of their most recent order