Order Summary
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Last updated
The Order Summary Report is found under Reports → Customers → Order Summary
This report will provide an overall summary of the new sales within the selected date range.
Use the Date Range and Filter selections to determine what the report will display data for. Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections.
Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.
The charts provide a visual representation for the amount of Partials, Sales, Declines, and Upsells that fit within the filters you’ve selected. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph, line graph, or pie chart.
The data table can be viewed By Campaign, By Product, By Campaign Product, and By Source
Partials : Number of Partials
Conv. % : ((Number of Sales)/(Number of Declines + Number of Partials + Number of Sales))*100
Declines : Number of Declines
Decline % : (Number of Declines)/(Number of Declines + Number of Sales)
Sales : Number of Sales
Sales % : (Number of Sales)/(Number of Sales + Number of Declines)
Sales Total : Total amount of successful sales
Upsells : Number Of Upsells
Upsell Attempts : The amount of upsells that were attempted to be purchases
Upsell Approval : The approval rate for upsell products
Upsell Total : Total amount of successful upsells
Refund Amt. : Total amount of all refunds for sales and upsells
Shipping : Total amount of all shipping and shipping upcharges for successful transactions
Sales Tax : Total amount of sales tax for all successful transactions
Surcharge : Total amount of surcharges that customers have paid
Net Rev. : Total amount of all succesful transactions - Total amount of refunds
Avg Ticket : (Total amount of successful sales) / (# of Sales)
A new export option has been added to the By Source export to allow to export by utm-campaign. When the CRM has the utm-campaign enabled, you will not be able to export by this field.