General CRM Questions

Below you will find answers to some commonly asked CRM questions:

Q: Every time I try to access a specific page I am redirected to the dashboard.

  • A: Update your access level configurations to allow you to visit the page in question

Q: I can’t delete a User

  • A: The owner of the account created it and used the same email. Change the email address to something else and delete it

Q: Customer Service Agent can’t blacklist a customer

  • Customer Service Agents do not have the ability to blacklist customers via the customer profile, this is reserved for Customer Service Admins.

Q: Is there a way to mass refund customers / orders?

  • No, there is no way to refund in mass or in batches.

Q: how do we delete category in campaigns?

  • Edit the campaign category and click delete.

Q: How to change the daily rebill time?

  • In the CRM, on the top right menu, go to the Accounts section, scroll down and update the Rebill Time.

Q: How do I update the gateway my products are using?

  • The gateways are set on the campaign level, edit the campaign and set the gateway to the offers individually or use the Batch Update tool under the Options tab.

Q: How do I edit the dashboard?

  • Click the Edit button to open the widget menu, here you can add, remove, or rearrange your dashboard.

Q: What is the difference between the purchase id and the order id?

  • An order is a product or group of products that are purchased in the same session. This includes any main offers and upsells that were sold to the customer. The orderId is the ID that identifies a specific order.

    A purchase is any continuity subscription that is bought on an order. The purchaseId is the ID that identifies a specific continuity subscription.

Q: Where do I find my agreement / contract?

  • In the CRM, top right menu, click on your name and go to Subscription.

Q: Where do I download my invoice?

  • In the CRM, top right menu, click on your name and go to Subscription.

Q: Where do I update my payment information?

  • In the CRM, top right menu, click on your name and go to Subscription.

Q: How do I recover a deleted customer?

  • Deleted customers are a permanent delete.

Last updated