Page Types

Checkout Champ has multiple page types you can add to your funnel.

Presell Page | Lead Page | Checkout Page | Upsell Page | Thank You Page | Generic Page | Opt In | Download | Collection | Catalog Page | Survey | Webinar | VSL | Blog Post | Pop-up | Email | SMS/Text | Shopify | WooCommerce | BigCommerce | Magento | ClickBank | Quiz | Testimonial | External Page | Shopping Cart Page | Product Detail Page | Common Page | PageNotFound | Membership Folder | Login Page | Profile Page | Member Area Page | Cancel Membership Page | Restart Membership | Update Card | Change Product

Presell Page

A Presell Page is a landing page which can be used as a bridge between your advertisements and your shopping cart. A presell page can be used to educate, inform, and influence visitors to make a purchase before the Checkout Page. Because a presell page’s purpose is to persuade customers, they do not carry product functionality and typically make use of buttons and links to route visitors to the next page.

Elements available to pass data:

  • Basic forms

  • Buttons

Lead Page

A Lead Page is designed to get visitors to act on an offer. Lead pages can be used alone or in conjunction with a Presell Page. The Lead Page generates a lead, which can be used for future marketing, and prompts a decision from your visitors.

Elements available to pass or submit data:

  • Buttons

  • Forms

  • Shopping Cart

  • Product Selection

  • Surveys

Checkout Page

A Checkout Page is designed to complete orders quickly and efficiently. Checkout Pages are equipped to process credit card and PayPal transactions.

Elements available to pass or submit data:

  • Buttons

  • Forms

  • Shopping Cart

  • Product Selection

  • PayPal

Upsell Page

Adding an Upsell Page to your funnel adds the opportunity to make an additional sale (or sales) after checkout. Use it to offer customers an additional product, trial or membership to the purchase placed on the checkout page.

Elements available to display and submit data:

  • Buttons

  • Product Selection

  • Shopping Cart

Thank You Page

The Thank You Page is the last page of a sales flow. The Thank You Page can be designed to show a receipt of the order and serve as the last page a customer interacts with, or provide links to other content.

Elements available to display data:

  • Invoices

  • tokens -see our knowledge base article on tokens

Generic Page

The generic page is used for standard pages that don’t require any specific functionality. These are commonly used for Privacy Policy, Term and Conditions, and Refund Policy pages.

Opt In

An Opt-in page is meant to generate email or product subscriptions.

Elements available to submit data:

  • Buttons

  • Forms

  • Surveys

  • Shopping cart


The download page is specifically used to allow your customers to download a file.


Use this page to dynamically display product collections. The page normally consists of a header and footer from a Common page, a menu in the header, and a Product Row element containing a product tile. The product tile is dynamically populated and replicated for each product in the collection to be displayed.

Catalog Page

The Catalog page is a page used to display a whole collection of products on one page for customers to select from. Think of the catalog page as the store front for your Ecommerce store. You can feature particular items, or list all your inventory on one page. It has a cart element built into it to hold products as customers browse.

By default, products are not dynamically filled in from your campaign so you must select which products you want and build out each product tile.

Follow this article to dynamically display products on a catalog page: Collections

Elements available to pass data:

  • Buttons

  • Forms

  • Images

  • Product Selection

  • Links


Create a survey page to qualify customers for your offer.

Customer’s choices are not stored and product recommendations cannot be made


Use the webinar page to find webinar templates to host a webinar for your customers.


Use the VSL page to find templates to build your video sales letter page.

Blog Post

Use the Blog Post page to find templates to start building an attractive blog post.


Pop-up pages can be used to show a popup when a customer clicks on a specific link. These are commonly used to show Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy. For more information please see this link.


The Email “page” is a visual marker for your funnel visualizer to indicate there are autoresponders configured for the funnel/campaign. You can create and edit email designs by editing the email page type. Click on the gear icon, or the pencil icon to select from templates or create new email designs. You do not need to apply any arrows to the Email page type.


The SMS/Text “page” is a visual marker for your funnel visualizer to indicate when an sms or text message is sent after a page. This is only meant to serve as a holding place.


The Shopify “page” is a visual marker for your funnel visualizer to indicate when Shopify page is routing to your Checkout Champ checkout page. This is only meant to serve as a holding place. For more information on the Shopify plugin, please view this article.


The WooCommerce “page” is a visual marker for your funnel visualizer to indicate when a WooCommerce page is routing to your Checkout Champ checkout page. This is only meant to serve as a holding place. For more information on the WooCommerce plugin, please view this article.


The BigCommerce “page” is a visual marker for your funnel visualizer to indicate when a BigCommerce page is routing to your Checkout Champ checkout page. This is only meant to serve as a holding place. For more information on the BigCommerce plugin, please view this article.


The Magento “page” is a visual marker for your funnel visualizer to indicate when a Magento page is routing to your Checkout Champ checkout page. This is only meant to serve as a holding place. For more information on the Magneto plugin, please view this article.


The ClickBank “page” is a visual marker for your funnel visualizer to indicate when ClickBank products are being used on your Checkout Champ checkout page. This is only meant to serve as a holding place. For more information on the ClickBank plugin, please view this article.


Create a quiz for your customers to complete. This might be useful in qualifying customers for your offer.


Use the testimonial page to find templates that you can use to feature customer testimonials about your product or brand.

External Page

The External page type allows you to redirect the customer to an external upsell flow or Thank You page, after the checkout. View this article for more information.

Shopping Cart Page

When a users adds a product to their cart, they can proceed to view their cart on a shopping cart page. Though not necessary, it is a useful page where customers can confirm their selection, quantity, or edit/delete items in their cart. It can then be routed to proceed to checkout once customers are satisfied.

Elements available to pass data:

  • Buttons

  • Quantity Select

  • Links

Product Detail Page

If a customer selects a product on your catalog page, they can be routed to a product detail page. Here they can learn more about the product, select variants, add to cart, or checkout. This page is dynamically built based upon your products in your campaign.

Elements available to pass data:

  • Buttons

  • Images

  • Variant Selection

  • Product Description

  • Links

Common Page

The Common Page is used to create a common header, footer, and elements across all pages within a funnel.


Use the PageNotFound page to customize the “404: Page Not Found Page” error that is displayed if a customer attempts to go directly to a page within the funnel that does not (or no longer) exists.

Membership Folder

The Membership Folder contains the pages related to running a Membership. The Membership pages are described in detail below.

Login Page

The Login Page is for a membership system which allows your members to login to a members area. Login pages can have 3 combinations of login: username/password, email/orderId, email/password. You can customize the login lifetime if a user does not logout (the default logout is 24 hours). Login pages can also contain Forgot Password and Remember Me options.

Profile Page

The profile page allows your members to modify profile information.

Member Area Page

The Member Area Page can be designed to store your membership information and requires authentication from a membership login page.

Cancel Membership Page

The Cancel Membership page is a membership area page which allows members to cancel their membership. This page requires authentication from a membership login page.

Restart Membership

The Restart Membership page is a membership area page which allows members to restart their membership.

Update Card

The update card page allows the member to update their payment method. This page requires authentication from a membership login page.

Change Product

The Change Product page allows the member to change their membership product. This page requires authentication from a membership login page.

Last updated