UTM Filters

The following reports will allow you to filter by UTM values that have been passed into CheckoutChamp:

Order Summary, Retention, Revenue Summary, Transaction Summary, Conversion

If you do not see the UTM Filters, please submit a ticket or send a request to your Account Manager to enable the UTM Filters.

When using the CheckoutChamp funnel builder or CheckoutChamp’s form-code, you just need to ensure that the UTM values are present on your CheckoutChamp URL and CheckoutChamp will store and report on those values. After placing a test, you should be able to filter by the UTM value on the supported reports.

If you are using the CheckoutChamp funnel builder and you would like to store a custom url parameter on your orders - please view this article: Pass custom parameter on URL and store onto order

If you are connecting your own custom php funnel to CheckoutChamp, please follow the below steps:

*Please note that Steps 1-3 below are for Direct API connections only.

1 - Include httpReferer only on the first Import Click API call of the customer’s session

httpReferer may be the same value as requestUri. httpReferer must include the UTM code(s).

2 - Ensure httpReferer is URL encoded

URL encoding is used to translate special characters to a universally accepted format. Please see the image below for an example:

Here is an example Import Click request:


3 - Link Lead/Order requests to Click request

When a customer first lands on your site, only a session is generated. Once the customer submits their lead or order info, that lead or order must be linked to the click request by including the sessionId on Import Lead and Import Order.

For best practice, it is recommended to use a specific sequence of API calls for each order. The example below is the sequence that should be used if your site has a separate lead page from the checkout page:

  1. Import Click (include the httpReferer parameter and pageType=leadPage)

  2. Import Lead (include the sessionId from Import Click)

  3. Import Click (include the sessionId from Import Click and pageTyper=checkoutPage)

  4. Import Order (include the sessionId from Import Click and the orderId from Import Lead)

  5. Import Click (include the sessionId from Import Click and pageTyper=thankyouPage)

  6. Confirm Order (include orderId returned from Import Lead/Import Order)

Please see our Recommended API flow for further details on the sequence of calls that should be made on a site: Recommended API Flow

View API Documentation here: Checkout Champ APIs

If you have followed the instructions properly, you can navigate to the supported reports and filter by UTM values.

Last updated