Customer Details Report

The Customer Details Report is found under Reports → Customers → Customer Details

This report is designed to show the individual customers within your CRM.

Use the Date Range and Filter selections to refine your search.

Filter Definitions
  • Date Range Type :

    • Customer Created Date

    • Order Created Date

    • Purchase Created Date

    • Purchase Decline Date

  • Date Range : Use the defaulted date ranges or specific dates to find the customers.

  • Campaign : Filter for customers that have an order within a specific Campaign, or multiple campaigns.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for customers that have an order within a specific Campaign Category, or multiple Campaign Categories.

  • Base Product : Filter for customers that have an order where a specific product was purchased.

  • Product Category : Filters for customers that have an order where the products purchased were within a specific Product Category.

  • Campaign Product : Filter for customers that have an order where a specific campaign product was purchased.

  • Coupon Code : Filter for customers that have an order where a specific coupon code was used.

  • Affiliates : Filter for customers that have an order that came from a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for customers that have an order that came from a specific Call Center.

  • Agent : Filter for customers that have an order that came from a specific Agent within your account.

  • Currency : Filter for customers that have an order that were processed in a specific base currency.

  • Country : Filter for customers that have an order with a specific billing country.

  • Pay Source : Filter for customers that have an order that used a specific Pay Source.

  • Customer Type

    • Abandoned Cart : Customer has a partial order with products.

    • Abandoned Cart Only : Customer has a partial order with products and no sales or declined orders.

    • Active Recurring : Customer has a purchase in Active, Trial, or Recycle Billing status.

    • Declined Orders Only : Customer has a declined order and no sales.

    • Lead Only : Customer only has partial orders with no products.

    • New Customer : Customer had their first sale within the date range.

    • One-Time Sale Only : Customer only has one-time sales.

    • Partial Orders Only : Customer only has partial orders, no sales or declined orders.

    • Repeat Customer : Customer has a new sale within the date range and has another existing sale.

  • Order Status : Filter for customers that have an order in a specific order status.

  • Purchase Status : Filter for customers that have a purchase in a specific status.

  • Funnel : Filter for customers that have an order that came from a specific funnel.

  • SMS Marketing Opt-In

    • Opted In

    • Not Opted In

  • Email Marketing Opt-In

    • Opted In

    • Not Opted In

  • Exclude Test Cards : Exclude matches test card orders.

  • Get Count Only : Return only the count of matching customers instead of the full table.

  • Current Customer Values Only : Filter using the current customer values only. If unchecked, the customer will be included in the results if the customer has any orders that match the filters.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the data table.

The table at the bottom of the page shows the details of the filtered customers:

Customer Details Table Header Definitions

  • Date : The date of the record as defined by the Date Range Type filter.

  • Customer : The name of the customer.

  • Email : The current email address of the customer.

  • Phone : The current phone number of the customer.

  • Email Marketing : Whether the customer has opted into email marketing.

  • Sms Marketing : Whether the customer has opted into SMS marketing.

  • Items : The order items of the customer's orders that match the current filters.

  • Declined Items : The declined order items of the customer's orders that match the current filters.

The CSV download includes the customer's current details along with the items from matching orders.

CSV Columns
  • date

  • firstName

  • lastName

  • emailAddress

  • phoneNumber

  • smsMarketingOptIn

  • emailMarketingOptIn

  • ipAddress

  • companyName

  • address1

  • address2

  • city

  • state

  • postalCode

  • country

  • shipFirstName

  • shipLastName

  • shipAddress1

  • shipAddress2

  • shipCity

  • shipState

  • shipPostalCode

  • shipCountry

  • currentPayment

  • custom1

  • custom2

  • custom3

  • custom4

  • custom5

  • successfulItems

  • declinedItems

Last updated