FlexFactor is the award-winning decline recovery platform, helping brands turn payment declines into added sales.
Last updated
FlexFactor is the award-winning decline recovery platform, helping brands turn payment declines into added sales.
Last updated
FlexFactor is for decline salvage only. Do not place a FlexFactor gateway on a campaign product or in ATRI gateway profiles.
FlexFactor is available on Recycle Billing and when retrying initial declines.
FlexFactor is available for cascades. Add the FlexFactor gateway to an ATRI cascade profile. Then set that cascade profile as a direct cascade on a gateway or as the cascade on an ATRI gateway profile. A cascade requires that ipAddress is passed on the order. FlexFactor cannot process a cascade without it.
Cascades return an instant approval or decline from FlexFactor. There is no wait period as there is with recycle billing.
Go to Gateways > Gateway Integrations. Select FlexFactor. Press the +Activate button.
Obtain AppKey, AppSecret, MID, SiteId, and EnvironmentKey from FlexFactor. Enter them here. EnvironmentKey is the FlexFactor Tokenization Key.
Choose to enter expiryDays. This is how long to retry the sale at FlexFactor. Default is 21. Maximum is 21. This value is ignored for cascades.
Go to Gateways > Recycle Billing
Select FlexFactor as the Gateway for Re-Attempts 4-6 or 7-9
Choose the FlexFactor gateway directly when retrying initial declines on the Order Details Report or via the Rerun Declined Sale API. Do NOT retry on an ATRI gateway profile.
Initial Declines (new sales) with recurring products may be sent to FlexFactor. However a successful recovery leaves no payment token to rebill the subscription on the original decline gateway. The next rebill will attempt on the original decline gateway with card number and without cvv. If and when that declines then that can be sent to FlexFactor again through Recycle Billing.
Orders sent to FlexFactor are automatically retried by FlexFactor. The result from FlexFactor is communicated back to CRM.
New Sale
Order is Complete and fulfillments are processed
New Sale
Order is Declined. The exception to this is completing a trial. Completing a trial leaves the order status unchanged.
Move subscription to the next billing cycle. Fulfillments are processed. Subscription reverts to the previous declined gateway for next scheduled billing.
Subscription is Recycle Failed
By default only Soft Declines are sent to FlexFactor. This can be overridden using Decline Mapping. Map any specific Hard Decline to a Soft Decline.