
Use Trackfiliates to create partnership / brand ambassador programs for your store!

Log in to with your CRM login credentials.

Merchant View


The notification icon on the top right of the page header icon lets you know when someone has requested to become an affiliate. You can click this notification to go directly to the Affiliate Approval page.

Click your name to view your profile or log out.

The Performance Report will display a chart showing any sales from your affiliate partners.

The Affiliate Report will display all of the affiliates, their ID, their commission for this month, and if their user is a CRM user, or just a TrackFiliates user.


This is where you may edit your TrackFiliates profile information.

Affiliate management

Here you can manually add affiliates, or click on an affiliate to view and edit their profile.

Inside the affiliate’s profile you can add them to your campaign(s), update their commission rate(s), and view their tracking string(s). You will also see a Retention chart which searches for purchases created within the date range and shows the cycle-by-cycle statistics.

Campaign Management

Here you’ll see your campaigns. Campaign’s that are visible to your affiliates will display as green, while invisible campaigns will display as red.

Click the pencil button to make changes to your campaign settings.

Click the envelope button to copy your invite link which you can then send to affiliates for them to sign up for this campaign.

Clicking the pencil button will bring you to Edit Campaign screen.

Here you can change the display name of the campaign that TrackFiliates users will see, copy the invite link, make the campaign visible / invisible to all affiliates, and other options.

Set default commissions for the campaign (these can be overwritten inside a specific affiliate profile).

Use the domains section to add the websites where these products are sold.

You can see the affiliates assigned to this campaign, pending affiliates (waiting to be approved or denied) and the rejected affiliates tab.

On the top right of the Edit Campaign page you will see the pages/emails that you can design.

Terms Of Service : Enter the ToS for your affiliate program. A link to display your ToS will be present on your Registration page

Email request : This is an autoresponder that is sent when an affiliate tries to sign up for the campaign.

Email accept : This is the autoresponder that is sent to an affiliate if you accept them.

Email decline : This is the autoresponder that is sent to an affiliate if you decline them.

Registration page : This is the page that a potential affiliate will see when you send them the invitation link.

Creatives : This is where you can upload marketing assests for the campaign. Files uploaded here will be available to all affiliates on the campaign.


In this section you can see your pending payouts and completed payouts, filtered by a date range.


Enter SMTP information to send emails to affiliates using your own account. This allows for greater customization of communication. This is optional. If not entered then emails will be sent using the TrackFiliates standard messaging.


Click this to log out of trackfiliates.

Affiliate View

The Affiliate users have a different view than the Merchant users.


When an affiliate user logs in, they will see a dashboard showing a Performance Report, and section at the bottom of the page showing their tracking string(s) for their approved campaign(s).


This is where an affiliate may edit their TrackFiliates profile information.

Bank info

This is where the affiliate will enter their banking information for payouts to go to.

My campaigns

These are the campaigns that the affiliate are currently approved on.

Available Campaigns

This page will show all campaigns that you have set as Visible. This allows the affiliate to browse and apply for any other offers that you might have available.


Click this to log out of TrackFiliates.

Last updated