Last updated
Last updated
If you do not already have a 1account account please sign up before proceeding.
1account is an age and identify verification platform. The service is tightly integrated with CheckoutChamp to verify consumers who purchase regulated products. The service is targeted to United Kingdom merchants and consumers.
Go to CRM. Navigate to Admin → Plugins → Age Verification
Click on the 1account tile and then the Activate button
clientId - retrieved from 1account
complianceLevel - choose level 1-4
productTags - Optional. Enter one or more values separated by commas. Age verification will take effect if at least one product on the order has the entered tag(s). Enter 0 to clear.
stroreName - Required. The store name to display on email communication with the consumer.
retryUrl - Required. The full URL to which the consumer will be directed to complete the age verification. If using Checkout Champ hosted pages this must be a Thank You page. This must start with https://.
emailServer - Required. Choose the SMTP server from which to send age verification reminder emails to customers. STMP servers are configured at Admin > Plugins > SMTP Maintenance.
autoCancelDays - Optional. The number of days after which to automatically cancel the order if age verification is not complete. Valid values are between 5 and 30. Enter 0 to clear. If this value is not entered then unverified orders will remain in a pending state indefinitely.
FriendlyName - Optional. Enter a name to identify this plugin throughout the app.
Click the Connect button to complete the plugin activation
Do not delete this plugin while age verifications are in progress!
Edit the plugin to view the callback URL. Share this URL with 1account for webhook setup.
Age verification is triggered for Complete new sales only.
Age verification is triggered once per customer. Once age is verified then subsequent orders from that customer will not require additional verification.
Fulfillments remain on hold until age is verified
Orders are not exported to Shopify, Woocommerce, or BigCommerce until age is verified
5 reminder emails are automatically sent until the age is verified. 1- after order 2- 4 hours after #1 3- 24 hours after #1 4- 48 hours after #1 5- 72 hours after #1
Admin users can approve the age verification manually. Use the Force Age Approval and Skip Age Approval options on the order details page.
This section applies to CheckoutChamp hosted pages only. If using a Direct API integration then proceed to the next section.
Edit the funnel on which to enable 1account
Copy the live URL of the Thank You page that will be used for customer verification
Go to Settings > Add Ons > Age Verification
Choose 1account
Select the 1account plugin. Add or edit a plugin as necessary. Paste the Thank You page live URL into the retryUrl input on the plugin. Save the plugin.
Callback URL is not available here. You must login to CRM and edit the 1account plugin to retrieve the Callback URL.
Save & Continue
Publish the funnel
This section should be skipped if using CheckoutChamp hosted pages
Edit the plugin and note the 1AccountID. Pass this on the Order Import API call as the custom_order_1Account parameter. Also pass this on the Confirm PayPal API if using the PayPal legacy workflow.
Populate the authCode value
Use orderId returned from the Order Import API
Use orderId parameter on the retryUrl
Populate validationData with buyer information
Populate avLevel and clientId from 1account values
For thank you page, run the PUSH_API.validate
function only when the "reviewStatus" is "AGE".
For retryUrl call the Order Query API to fetch order details
Here is sample script to be placed on the retryUrl page