Shipping Profiles

Shipping profiles can be used for various shipping activities. You can set up different shipping methods, apply a ship price to an entire order, upcharge shipping for specific reasons, and more.

This article will show how to set up a Shipping Profile within a campaign.

Create Shipping Profiles

Navigate to CRM -> Campaigns and edit the campaign you’d like to add a shipping profile to. Click on "Shipping" and then click “Create Profile”.

Choose the following:

  • Profile Name - The title you want it to be.

  • Ship RefCode - Reference code specific for you fulfillment provider.

  • Ship Carrier - Default, UPS, USPS, FedEx, Canada Post, DHL, and Custom.

  • Ship Method - Example of this is 2 Day Air. Options will change based off ship carrier. If Carrier is Custom, then Ship Method must be manually entered.

  • Freight TaxCode (Optional) - Enter this code if you are using Avalara Tax and are planning to charge freight tax.

Click Create

For additional options, Click Edit

On the left side you will see a few options:

  • Default Shipping - This profile will always be used by default unless another is specifically selected.

  • Highest Ship Price Only - For multi-product orders, only the item with the greatest shipping price will be billed.

  • Upcharge Pricing - Prices set in Profile Rules will be added to the current ship total of the product. If unchecked, price points will override the shipping price set on the campaign product level.

  • Entire Order - Shipping Price will be set for the order as a whole instead of on a product by product basis.

  • Apply Pricing to Recurring Orders - Apply the shipping price to every order, including rebills.

  • Do Not Apply To Upsells - Use the product ship price instead of the profile price for upsells.

  • Free Shipping - Order shipping will be free if the base price of the order (not including shipping/taxes) is greater than the specified price point.

    • Include Coupons - Use this option to evaluate free shipping after discounts are applied to the order.

If you choose one of these options, click on "Update" to save the setting.

Profile Pricing:

To the right you will see Profile Pricing.

Here you will have the option to set shipping prices based off region and what product it applies to.

Shipping for a Specific Product:

You have the option to set shipping rules based on specific products. Ensure the profile is not set to apply to the “entire order”. Then add a new rule. Under “Apply To”, choose “Specific Product”. Under “Product”, choose the specific product to which the rule should apply.

If you choose “Entire Order” you can not choose a specific product for the rule to apply to. This also means that if you already have Profile Pricing rules created but want to change the rules to “Entire Order” - You will need to remove all existing Profile Pricing rules, enable “Entire Order”, and then you can create new Profile Pricing rules.

Last updated