Using the Survey Element

Checkout Champ has 3 survey elements that you can use to guide a customer through a series of questions on your page. Drag any of these surveys onto a page to begin editing them.

The way the buttons or radio buttons works is as follows:

Each button/radio is set to the “Open Section” action. This will open a predetermined section when the button is clicked. The Open Id is set to the parent element of the next question as pictured below (In this example, ‘survey-question2’).

Adding more questions to your survey:

If you need to add more questions to your survey, simply duplicate the Survey Section of any of your questions. Then you will need to make sure the buttons/radio buttons of the previous question are properly pointing to your new Survey Section - and that your new Survey Section is set to open the next question’s Survey Section (if necessary).

The key is to make sure each button/radio is set to open the next question’s Id. In this particular template in our library, the last set of buttons is set to the action “Open Popup.” Depending on your needs, set the action of the last set of buttons to whatever you need.