Using WooCommerce Catalog with Checkout Page

To sync your WooCommerce products, please follow this article.

Follow this article if hosting your own page and connecting to CheckoutChamp via Direct API. If you are using CheckoutChamp hosted pages then please follow this article.

To make a WooCommerce catalog page work with a CheckoutChamp shopping cart, you will add links to your checkout page Add To Cart buttons. The links will have the productId parameter in the query string equal to the desired CheckoutChamp campaign product ID.


a link

<a href="">Add to Cart</a>

a button img

<img onclick="window.location=''" src="">

The link will take you to the checkout page with that product added to the shopping cart with quantity 1.

This method is intended to be used with a separate checkout page than your WooCommerce checkout page.

Direct API -

You’ll need to add this script to the page parse the input and cache the products into the product array-

const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
if (urlParams.has("products")){
    const urlProducts = urlParams.get("products").split(";");
    for(const product of urlProducts){
        const pos = product.indexOf(".");
        const splitChar = pos > 0 && pos < product.indexOf(":") ? "." : ":";
        const productData = product.split(splitChar);
        myCart[productData[0]] = productData[1];

When making the Import Order API call, parse myCart into product{i}_id, product{i}_qty, and variant{i}_id (if applicable). Increment {i} for each product, starting with 1.

Last updated