Decline Message Mapping
This article describes how to mark specified gateway decline responses as a certain decline type or change the decline message displayed to the customer on the landing page.
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This article describes how to mark specified gateway decline responses as a certain decline type or change the decline message displayed to the customer on the landing page.
Last updated
Go to Gateways → Decline Mapping and Click the Green + Button:
Use the Create Decline Message Map dialog to transform the Type of Decline from a Gateway. This is typically used to map Hard Declines to Soft Declines under specific conditions:
Gateway or Merchant: Type of biller where the Decline Map should apply
Choose Gateway if the mapping rule should apply to an entire gateway type
Choose Mid if the mapping rule should apply to only a single gateway on your gateway list
Select Gateway: Identity of gateway where the Decline Map should apply
Order Type: Choose if this mapping applies to All Orders, New Sales Only, or Recurring Orders Only
Decline Message: The Decline Message returned by the gateway/processor. This is a contained-in search, so only a portion of the gateway/processor response must be entered.
Map to Decline Type: Choose how the Decline is Mapped
Soft Decline
Hard Decline
Map to Decline Message: (Optional) Change the gateway’s decline message to show as something different to your customers. This is useful if the gateway’s error message is not “customer friendly”
Once created, you can view all of your Decline Mappings: