Affiliate Pixels

Affiliate Pixels are used to send the conversion data to the affiliate so they know which sales they are responsible for.

After setting up your campaign, then creating an affiliate profile and adding the affiliate to the campaign(s), you can then add affiliate pixels to the campaigns that the affiliate is assigned to.

Add Pixels

Navigate to CRM → Affiliates to view your affiliate profiles, then edit the profile you’d like to add the pixel to.

Next, go to the Pixels tab inside the profile and click the green + button.

Pixels are campaign-specific, so you must add the affiliate to a campaign before a pixel can be created. Use the Campaigns tab to assign the affiliate to the appropriate campaigns.

Campaign - The campaign associated with this pixel.

Test Link - This is a link provided by the affiliate to test the pixel which will redirect to your website with generated test passed values. (optional but recommended)

Commission Type - Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or Cost Per Click (CPC).

Campaign Product - CPA Pixels only. Associate the pixel with a specific product or all products.

For CPA pixels, you can have one pixel for the main offer and one for each upsell per campaign.

Pixel Type - Postback, Image Pixel, or Iframe Pixel

Postback Url / Image Tag / Iframe - Place the pixel into this field

If you are using a direct API integration, only Postback pixels can be used.

Pixels will NOT fire on prepaid cards by default

Do not forget to replace the placeholders (ex.TRANSACTION_ID) with one of the special tokens that CheckoutChamp has available!

Available Tokens:

  • [orderId] – represents the orderId (often TRANSACTION_ID)

  • [orderTotal] – represents the total order amount

  • [productTotal] – represents the individual product/item total amount

  • [productId] – represents the base productId on the order

  • [basePrice] – represents the price of the order, not including taxes

  • [taxTotal] – represents the total taxed amount on the order

  • [c1], [c2], [c3], [c4], [c5] – represents the passed values (sourceValues1-5)

    • c1, c2, and c3 are default passed values in an affiliate profile. You may add up to 5 total passed values, and you may rename the values as you would like. If you rename the values, the token inside the pixel content must exactly match the new value names.

  • [emailAddress] – represents the customer’s email address

  • [phoneNumber] - represents the customer’s phone number

  • [commissionAmount] - The step1_commission or step2_commission of an order, depending on if the order is an offer or an upsell, respectively.

  • [couponCode] - The couponCode used in the order.

  • [insuranceCharged] - If using a plugin like InsureShip, this token will show how much the customer was charged for shipping insurance.

  • [profileName] - Name of the shipping profile used with the order.

If you need to fire both an image pixel and an iframe pixel on the main offer (step 1), add the HTML for both pixels into a single pixel configuration.

It is not currently possible to fire a postback and image pixel simultaneously. In most cases however, you can ask your affiliate network to provide a postback pixel replacement for an image pixel.

After you add your pixels, you will be able to see them listed under the Pixels the table.

Test a Pixel

Open the Affiliate Test Link in a new window or tab and place a test order using the CheckoutChamp test card (0000000000000000 with CVV 100 and any current or future expiration date).

Once you submit the order, find that completed order in the CRM and view the Order Summary page and click "View Details" in the Details panel next to the Pixels label.

The CheckoutChamp test card will fire pixels, but orders placed with the test card will not display in the Affiliate Report.

The Pixels detail button will ONLY display here if CheckoutChamp fired a pixel.

If you are having issues with seeing the pixels fire, please view our Troubleshooting CPA Pixels article.

Last updated