
If you are selling in multiple countries then a single campaign can support multiple currencies. Add currencies to your campaign and choose the display settings for live pages and autoresponders. Also choose to send each currency to the gateway or to always send the campaign base currency.

Add Currency

Navigate to CRM -> Campaigns. Edit the campaign that needs currencies. Choose the Currencies tab on the left-hand menu. Use the dropdown to select the needed currency. Click the green "+" button.

Edit Currency

Navigate to CRM -> Campaigns. Edit a campaign that contains currencies. Choose the Currencies tab on the left-hand menu. Click the blue “Edit” button on the appropriate currency.

Enter the following:

  • Alignment - Location of the currency symbol

  • Decimal Character - Choose comma or period to be in the decimal place, the opposite will be in the thousands place

  • Decimals - Number of decimal places in the currency

  • Rounding - Decimal amount to round to after exchange rate and conversion fee calculations. This always rounds up. For example, if the value after exchange rate calculation is 45.37 and Rounding is set to 95, the price will be rounded up to 45.95. Cannot be modified for the campaign's base currency.

  • Conversion Fee - Add a percentage after exchange rate calculation and before rounding. Cannot be modified for the campaign's base currency.

  • Send this Currency to the Gateway

    • Checked - Send the transaction to the gateway in this currency instead of the campaign base currency. This is required if using Rounding or Conversion Fee. This is also required for the base currency. The transaction will be stored in this currency, so customer service agents will see this currency viewing order details. Refunds will occur in the transaction currency.

    • Unchecked - Display live pages and autoresponders using the currency options. Send the transaction to the gateway in the base currency. The transaction will be stored in the base currency, so customer service agents will see the base currency viewing order details. Refunds will occur in the base currency.

When editing a currency, there is a display example at the bottom of the window.

Click "Update" when you are done.

Rounding and Conversion Fee are done prior to VAT calculations.

There is a By Currency tab on the Order and Transaction Summary reports. This will accumulate totals by the currency sent to the gateway. Other tabs on those reports do not properly accumulate multiple currencies.

Last updated