dLocal Properties

This article describes how to pass dLocal properties on orders to supported gateways.

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Some transactions require dLocal information passed to the gateway.

These values are some type of consumer identifier in addition to card information.

Pass this information on the Import Order API call using order custom fields.

custom1-5 can be used.

The format is key, a pipe separator, and identifier.

The key can be “IDCARD”, “PASSPORT”, or “TAXSTATEMENT”.

custom1=IDCARD|5432109876 custom3=PASSPORT|RQ34766A124 custom5=TAXSTATEMENT|0987654321

(the examples show custom1, 3, and 5. But any value may be passed on any of the 5 custom fields)

These gateways support dLocal: Cardstream Iyzico NMI NomuPay Pay.On Pay.On 3DS Payon Gateway Solid Swipen TotalProcessing

Last updated