Bundle Fulfillment

Bundle Fulfillment is an option in the campaign setup. This option will bundle Fulfillments that are within 96 hours of each other if the orders are from the same customer and shipped to the same address. The main purpose of this option is to save money on number of fulfillments exported to a fulfillment house.

This is very useful for Campaigns with multiple steps and recurring subscriptions which are staggered to bill on slightly different days.

Exceptions to Bundle Fulfillment:

  • The original order will not be held back more than 96 hours.

  • Reship orders will not be bundled.

Setup for Bundle Fulfillment:

Go to CRM | Campaigns and select the Campaign you wish to apply bundle fulfillment to.

Enable Bundle Fulfillment:

First, enable the Bundle fulfilments. Once enabled, a box will show to set the hours. Bundle fulfilments are set to a default of 96 hours until changed. When finished you can save your changes.

Max is 96 hours

Notice: Bundle Fulfillment is tracked by Campaign so you must turn this option on for all the Campaigns that will use this option.

Last updated